Okay, so it goes without saying that you would want your readers to actively read your content all the way through if you are a content writer, blogger, or writer in general. Your readers may occasionally have lost interest in the middle of a blog and stopped reading.

Oh my God! That would be both absurd and painful for a content writer. I can definitely relate. Therefore, I’m here with a few ideas that can assist your material become canonical and reach your intended audience. Here are a few examples that will help you with your content strategy, in short.

Content strategy is not a standalone concept. Building an editorial schedule, writing content, and releasing it are only a portion of the process. Even if it has tonnes of fantastic stuff, it’s still not having a blog. It doesn’t involve releasing sporadic content pieces in response to requests from the sales or product teams.

1. Utilise Online Surveys:

To better understand your audience, you can run an online poll if you already have a sizable email list.

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2. Use Social Media Audience Polls

Social media surveys are very helpful for gaining insight into the problems and goals of your audience.

3. Keep Track of Blog Remarks

By doing this, you’ll have a sense of the wants, difficulties, and expectations of your readers. When creating or modifying your content generation strategy, it can be incredibly helpful.

4. Pay Attention to Keyword Research

Keywords will be useful at every stage of your content generation plan, from blog posts and social media captions to YouTube video descriptions and Instagram hashtags. Utilize keyword research tools like:

  • To find relevant and popular keywords in your niche.
  • SEMrush
  • Using the Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, use Google Keyword Planner
  • Trends on Google
  • Search Console by Google
  • Keyword Explorer for Moz

5. Case Studies and Checklists should be published.

Publishing case studies is a great approach to increase credibility, authority, and trust as part of a content creation plan. List the concerns that your clients were having, and then emphasise how your goods and services were able to help them.

Contrarily, checklists might be a straightforward compilation of helpful hints, techniques, and hacks offered in a downloadable format. They can be used as a lead magnet to increase the size of your mailing list.

Although there is evidence that lengthier articles receive greater social engagement and connections, you could choose to keep your content brief. The secret to crafting articles that keep readers’ attention is not to make them shorter but more readable, and doing so needs skilled organising that draws attention to important issues. Information that is introduced with a numerical value, or a number, is a numbered list. When the order of the items in the list matters, i.e., when the order in which you perform the actions is crucial, these lists work best.

The information above is organised into numbered lists, which are typically used to illustrate why receipts must be organised in a specific way. The venerable bullet point is undoubtedly the most effective organisational tool.

A type of simplified content known as bullet points gives users the brevity they desire without compromising quality. Your bullet points should make strong comments about your content in order to do this. A list of facts, significant information, or instructions that do not need to be conveyed in a numbered list can be presented very effectively using bullet points. If you write frequently, you’ll discover additional occasions to use bullet points. However, it’s crucial to adhere to protocol while using them in your web material.

A wonderful method to spice up a blog post, article, or other piece of online content is to use bullet points. One word of advice is to avoid using them excessively. Bullet points are not ideal for every project, despite the fact that they can be a terrific method to divide material into manageable chunks. Before you decide whether or not to use bullet points, carefully analyse your work, the intended audience, and other details. When properly used, bullet points will greatly simplify writing for the fickle and difficult-to-please online audience. How can Bullet list be used?

  • Use the same font and margin width for each bulleted point in the list, and make sure that each item is related to the others.
  • Keep bullet points brief, ideally no longer than three lines, and make sure they are all introduced with the same verb tense and in parallel form.
  • Make sure that each bullet point is roughly the same length.
  • Make sure each list’s formatting is uniform.
  • Enhance the start of each bullet point to make the list easier to skim.
  • Only complete sentences should end each line with a period.

Additionally, numbered lists are less flexible than bulleted lists.

The advantages of using bulleted lists include the following:

  • Share content effectively by distilling it down to its core to make your argument more quickly.
  • Increase readability: When content is easy to scan and read, readers appreciate it more (and stay for longer).
  • Bring the most crucial details to light: Important information is more rapidly absorbed by readers.


An article written in list style is known as a listicle. A listicle is intended to inform or amuse readers, and each list item will often include a few phrases or several paragraphs.

Lists are popular among readers. A listicle is simple to skim and describes in detail what the reader will learn from the content. As marketers, we frequently have to write about serious subjects in order to inform readers and draw in leads. A listicle can make it easier for the reader to skim for the information they require and feel less content-overwhelmed. On the other side, listicles can be utilised as a structure to simplify a challenging subject.

Almost anything can be the topic of your writing. Even if there isn’t a list that naturally corresponds to a certain topic, you can make one by approaching the topic from a particular perspective. Listicles can be used in an almost infinite variety of ways to present your case, clarify a subject, promote a good, and other things, but I think that covers the essentials.

For instance,

  • “The Ultimate Guide to Building a Landing Page” can give some readers the impression that they are overloaded with information or don’t have the time to read it all right now.
  • The article “23 Amazing Harry Potter Movie Moments That Aren’t In The Books” from Buzzfeed
  • The 25 Best Ads of 2019″ by AdWeek
  • How To Design a Website in 8 Simple Steps” by Website Builder Expert

Why are they so well-known?

Listicles are effective because we enjoy reading them, which is a lot of the same reasons traditional lists are.

The following reasons make lists (and listicles) enjoyable to read:

  • They are simple to scan for key details.
  • It’s never a mystery how much is left.
  • It’s simple to stop and pick up where you left off.
  • They are able to simplify difficult subjects into manageable portions.
  • What to anticipate is stated in the title.

Because listicles don’t have to worry as much about the sequence of their points, they are simpler to prepare and produce than regular articles. The fact that they are simple to read and write doesn’t, however, give you licence to write poorly and hope to get away with it. At this point, audiences have read so many listicles that it’s easy to run the danger of being perceived as providing clickbait or pointless nonsense.

Writing a listicle: a how-to

1. Select a listicle typese

You must first decide what kind of listicle you will write. This will largely depend on what you believe best fits your topic and what you believe will be most effective for addressing the points you want to make in the most concise and compelling manner. You must select which one best serves your objectives for the piece and what you can provide in terms of your approach. Each has a different appeal.

2. Conduct a keyword search

Keyword research must be on your to-do list if the goal of your listicle is to increase your content marketing.

When using a search engine to find information on a specific subject, users enter keywords. Additionally, Google and other search engines utilise these phrases to determine the subject matter of your website’s or blog post.Your page is more likely to rank and show as an option when people search for specific keywords if you optimise your content for them.

You must choose a target term that people are truly looking for if you want to optimise your post for search engines and produce a listicle that brings traffic to your website. If you skip this step, Google reader attraction will be considerably more difficult.

3. The List Item Numbers

A listicle need not contain lists, but doing so improves the user experience. Moving down the numbered list gives readers a sense of progress as they read the material. Additionally, readers have a sense of accomplishment, which encourages them to keep reading. If you include a number in the post title, it also makes sense to number the contents.

Numbers can make it simpler for readers to follow their progress in long list posts. Even better, students can pause reading at any time and resume it from where they left off. When someone wishes to share or refer to specific points, numbering is also useful. Instead of defining a portion of the document, it is simpler to refer to a certain number.

4. Decide on your particular angle or spin on the subject

Start by describing how you came to this issue. You might, for instance, have had past exposure to it. Determine your distinctive approach to this topic by using your motivation for doing so. Some questions you can keep in mind are:

How does this issue relate to some past experiences?

Why is this subject interesting ?

What is it that can be known about this subject?

How does the ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal identification affect the feeling about this issue?

It’s not necessary to obsess over the precise amount of items on your list (as long as it isn’t significantly more or fewer than what the competitors has). The quality of the content you offer for each of your items is more crucial.

Depending on the type of listicle you’re creating, you’ll decide how much information to include for each item. An enlarged list will obviously require more detail while a conventional list might get by with merely providing surface-level information. Once more, you may utilise the competition to determine how much specificity is required.

Few Examples of Listicles :

  • The New Yorker”[H]is digressive narrative–which sometimes makes use of self-amused listicles–seems suspiciously influenced by styles that are popular on the digital platforms he inveighs against.”
  • (Review [January 21, 2013] of The Missing Link by Philip Hensher)
  • For beginners → 17 Blogging Tips For Beginners
  • Specific outcome → 12 Quick SEO Tips to Increase Organic Traffic
  • 7 Successful Amazon Affiliate Websites: 3.5K+ monthly search visits
  • 12 Quick SEO Tips: 3K+ monthly search visits.
  • 10 Ways to Get Google to Index Your Site: 2.5K+ monthly search visits


A sound content strategy makes it much easier to create content and market it. You can use it as a road map to help you find your way and your objectives. Although developing an effective content strategy is not difficult, putting it into practise might be. Be prepared to face obstacles and go through a lot of trial and error. To see the kind of audience growth you’ve always envisioned, all you’ll need to do is rinse and repeat your recipe for success after you’ve discovered it.

Writing a listicle requires putting out fresh and original ideas (or any content for that matter). Even while it may be tempting to simply mimic everyone else, if all you do is make a piece that is a carbon copy of another listicle, no one will be interested in reading it.

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