Everybody would prefer a quick website over one that loads slowly. But loading time affects a site’s success in more ways than just personal preference.

The bounce rate of a website will increase dramatically the longer it takes to load. Search engine rankings will suffer if a page has a high bounce rate, which indicates that users don’t find the content on the page useful. And if an e-commerce site’s checkout page is even marginally slower than its rivals’, it will undoubtedly lose clients.

You’ll never find a more complete collection of website load time information online than this one.

1. If it takes more than three seconds for your website to load, 53% of visitors will leave.

Internet consumers’ attention spans are getting shorter as technology advances. Now more than ever, users expect websites to load quickly.

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Since Google released AMP, which makes mobile pages load practically immediately, mobile has a higher requirement for page performance. Your bounce rate will go down if you speed up your website. If your website loads quickly, more than half of your visitors won’t need to leave

2. 77% of mobile webpages take longer than 10 seconds to load

On 3G networks, mobile devices typically take longer than 10 seconds to load. The page load time on 4G networks increases to 14 seconds. The page performance for your site’s mobile version will significantly decrease if you follow Google’s advice and install an AMP plugin.

3. It typically takes 15.3 seconds for a mobile website to fully load.

In this statistic, 4G mobile users are also included. Web pages typically load more slowly on mobile devices. Because Google now ranks websites based on how quickly they load on mobile devices rather than desktop, the mobile load time of your website has become crucial. Utilizing an Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) version of your blog entries is advised by Google. Installing an AMP Plugin will enable you to do it.

To automatically generate an AMP version of your current content and upcoming posts, utilise the AMP For WP plugin. Most AMP posts load in under a second.

4. If they can’t find the needed information within a few seconds, 23% of visitors leave the page.

A further noteworthy page speed statistic about website speed and exit rate is presented below. A recent survey found that 23 out of 100 visitors will quit a website if they can’t quickly access the content they’re looking for. It implies that visitors will leave your website if your page doesn’t load swiftly.

5. A 1-second page loading delay causes a 7% decrease in conversions.

Another intriguing page speed statistic that illustrates how page load time affects conversion rate is this one.A 1-second delay in page loading causes a 7% decrease in conversions, according to a Forbes study.It implies that you will lose a lot of potential sales if your website is slow.

6. Β An e-commerce site that generates $100,000 per day could lose $2.5 million in revenue annually as a result of a one second page delay.

This site load time information is for you if you manage an e-commerce website. One second of page performance delay on an eCommerce site that generates $100,000 per day may cost the site $2.5 million in lost sales annually, according to studies. This implies that having a website that loads slowly will have a significant impact on your eCommerce site’s sales.

7. If a shopping site loads slowly, 14% of online customers choose a different one.

A recent survey found that if a shopping site takes too long to load, 14% of offline buyers will go to another site. It implies that if your website loads slowly, your rivals can easily snare your devoted clientele.Therefore, be sure that your website makes a strong first impression and loads quickly enough to live up to visitors’ expectations.

8. On a desktop, a webpage loads in 10.3 seconds on average.

According to Brain Dean’s analysis of 5.2 million web pages, a desktop webpage typically loads in 10.3 seconds.

9. It takes 27.3 seconds on average for a mobile website to load.

In a recent case study, Brian Dean examined more than 5.2 million websites and discovered that a webpage typically loads in 27.3 seconds on a mobile device.

10. Β In retail and travel, bounce rates improved by 5.7% and 5.4% when load time was lowered by just 0.1s.

This site speed statistic is especially relevant to you if you own a website that sells goods or has anything to do with travel. You’ll be shocked to learn that for travel and retail websites, a 0.1-second increase in site load speed reduces bounce rates by 5.7% and 5.4%, respectively.

11. Retail customer engagement improved by 5.2% when page load times on websites were lowered by just 0.1s.

For those who own retail websites, take a look at these additional stats. In a recent benchmark test of page load times, it was discovered that consumer engagement rose by 5.2% with a page load time reduction of just 0.1 seconds. It demonstrates that your consumer engagement will considerably rise even if you slightly raise the speed at which your website loads.

12. Β Compared to 95% for a quick site, only 62% of mobile users who visited a slow one said they would return.

As opposed to desktop computers, mobile devices are now used by an increasing number of people. Therefore, you must check that your page load time is sufficient for mobile devices as well. We all understand that first impressions are crucial, and study has confirmed this. In comparison to 95% for a quick site, it was shown that just 62% of mobile visitors who visited one stated they would return.


If a website visitor’s needs aren’t satisfied, they will leave and go to another. In order to avoid losing clients to the competition, business owners must prioritise this area in their marketing plans.

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