Brand Story, is a marketing approach that focuses on the customer and their needs, making them the main character in the narrative. Stories, in general, have a tendency to appeal to humans, and brands use this to their advantage. It focuses on sharing your ideas and values in such a way that it complements the interests of customers.

In this article, you will learn what a brand story is, why it’s important and how can you write a captivating brand story. Besides, we will also provide you with a free template that you can use while writing down your brand story. Keep reading!


There is a certain method that makes storytelling more compelling so as to attract the attention of customers. And that method requires us to include certain components which are a must while wrting a brand story. Take a look at what those components are.

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1. Who?

Who are you as a company and a brand? What is your brand’s purpose? What does your company’s vision entail? What do you offer to your existing and potential customers?

2. What?

What do you do as a company? What does your brand offer that other brands don’t?

3. Why and How?

Why does your organization exist and what is its primary belief? How do you do what you do as a company and what makes you successful? What are the facts that strengthen your brand and how?

These are some questions you should consider while talking about your brand. The answers to these questions will help you with customer loyalty and engagement. Remember, the main character in your brand’s story is the customer. Characterize your brand by its values. These values are not a reflection of the company’s monetary success, but of the behavior of your employees and the integrity of your company. What customers look for is a purpose that helps them connect with your brand. This is why companies like Nike and Adidas are so successful. Their purpose is clear – athletic excellence.


Now that we understand what a Brand Story is, let us talk about how to create a Brand Story Template.

A Brand Story Template highlights the key features of your brand, addresses the problems faced by consumers, provides solutions, and enumerates the purpose of the brand. It is just like writing a story involving a main character (your customers) and a conflict (significant and unique details). It does not need to be comprehensive because that might bore customers. Stick to the point and highlight the values, ideas and purposes behind the brand.

Make sure your story is captivating. You can do so by adding emotions, desire and impulses to your purpose. This will assure customers that they are reading from people with similar experiences as theirs, instead of just staring at a screen. This way, they will connect more with the brand. Use examples from your own company to add more value to your brand. For instance, use a product from your company that has had success, in order to market your current product with the same amount of leverage.

Add digital illustrations to your story. Use images as much as possible. It will make your story much more vivid and compelling.

Consistency is the key. Make sure you stay consistent with your story. Be honest with your customers if you want them to confide in you. If the customers feel contradicted, you are most likely to lose a part of your audience.

Try to stand out through your story. Every brand promises commitment, innovation and integrity, but a very few actually prove it. Use past experiences as examples that your customer can refer to in case of any doubt.

Last but not least, be clear with your mission and goals when communicating with customers. Be confident in telling your customers why your brand is unique.

Once you have a grest brand story, you can appeal to your customers through various platforms, such as, social media, websites, newspapers, magazines or advertisements.

Why is it important to have a brand story?

In this age of social media, having a strong brand story has become an important marketing strategy. Social media plays a huge role in influencing the views of your customers. Many brands use Youtube, Twitter and Instagram to expand their audience. This way, you can connect with your target audience. Customers will want to build their network with brands when they are compelled by your story. Happy customers will ultimately translate to more product revenue.

Remember, the success of your brand is only temporarily appealing. What actually helps connect with customers is the journey of reaching that success and moving forward even in the face of hardships. And this can only be achieved by acquiring a good story.

To help you fulfill that goal, our team has designed a template that you can use while narrating the journey of your brand through thick and thin. Click here to access it. 

We hope you found this article helpful. Before leaving, don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section. Wish you luck!

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