There is quite the confusion about how e-books fit into the digital world, even today. Many people tend to misunderstand the concept of e-books on the basis of cost, maintenance, reliability, and so on. However, there are a number of e-books present online that are absolutely free of cost and deliver comprehensive information.

But, what are e-books, and why do we need them at all in a digital world run by blogs and websites? Keep reading to find out!

What is an E-book?

E-book is simply an electronic book. It is usually a PDF document with detailed information on any topic of interest. You can create an e-book with any topic you like, whether it’s general knowledge, current affairs, or a more specific niche such as graphic design, interior decoration, and so on.

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Why do we need E-books?

As content creators/business owners, you might think that e-books are not marketable and a waste of time. However, that is not true. E-books have their own advantages in helping you grow your business or your website, and this is how:

• E-books are lightweight and easy to carry (for example- Kindle). Apart from that, they can also be accessed on our phones and laptops.

• You can access an e-book whenever you want, unlike printed material, which may take some time to reach you.

• In e-books, you can use graphic designs and many other forms of illustrations that might not be available on blogs.

• Including links to various other social platforms of your own company in an e-book is an excellent way of marketing your products.

• When it comes to the cost of an e-book, like Kindle, people might assume it to be impractical to spend money. However, purchasing e-books via online websites is a practical purchase because they basically last forever.

• E-books can be used as a creative marketing technique in order to provide detailed, extensive, and targeted information to potential buyers.

• Lastly, you can access an e-book anywhere, your phone, your laptop, or you could also purchase e-book-specific devices.

How to Create an E-book: A Simple Outline

1. Niche: Choose a specific niche of your interest, for example, wildlife photography. Ensure you have enough relevant knowledge about the topic/field you choose. Make sure your content is audience specific.

2. Audience: Try to relate your topic to the audience in a way that will help them. For example, you can write about how to become a wildlife photographer. Even though e-books are known for being detailed, try to keep them simple for your readers.

3. Experience: Share your experiences and stories with the audience. After all, it is a book of sorts. Hence, the audience will expect some sort of story or interesting plot to focus on. For example, write about the experiences you had as a photography student and the ones you have as a real-life photographer.

4. Chapters: Since e-books are mostly in PDF form, try to create a new chapter with every page. This will bring more diversity to your content and not bore your readers. The first page of your e-book must be the main page with a Title or a Heading indicating what the book is about.

5. Design: Try to design your e-books with free graphic illustrations found online. You can also download them from PowerPoint or create them yourselves using Canva.

6. Sub-headings: Incorporate and highlight various sub-headings that are relevant to the topic. This will add a nice touch to your writing and give the readers knowledge of each section before they get into it.

7. Links: Add links to other pages of your own business as a marketing technique. For example, as a photographer, you can lead people to your social media pages where you sell your photography.

It is not very difficult to effectively create an e-book. All you require is passion and dedication towards your field and content. All the steps mentioned will be helpful to you when creating an e-book. For your convenience, we have created a sample outline of an e-book that will help you get started. Click here to access it.

That was all for now. We hope this article was helpful. Please don’t forget to leave a comment. Happy writing!

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