If you have a blog, it’s likely that you already know what PPC is. But if you don’t, you’re at the right place. As a business, it is important to know all possible strategies that can help generate more audience and more revenue.

What is PPC(Pay Per Click)?

Pay Per Click, is a method, in which paid or sponsored advertisements are used by bloggers to generate more traffic to their website, and with per click to these ads, the ad company pays the writer of the blog. Hence, it is not an organic method of increasing traffic and achieving business goals.

Why is PPC important?

Pay Per Click campaigns are the most relevant form of digital marketing in today’s world. It is also often considered as the most important form of online advertising and search engine optimization.

1. You will get instant results by using PPC. If you want to generate revenue in a short period of time, PPC acts as an effective tool to help you with it.

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2. Apart from being a quick way to generate traffic, PPC will also contribute to the revenue of your business. You can generate a good amount of money using PPC overnight.

3. Even if you use a PPC strategy, you can still be on a budget. This strategy allows you to have total control over your company’s budget. You have the liberty to invest as much or as little as you like in PPC and you will still get results.

How do you create a PPC Strategy? (With free PPC template)

To create a PPC Strategy Template, you need to follow a few simple steps.

1. Goals: Understand what you want to achieve through the PPC campaign. Choosing ad types based on your goals and vision will prove to be an effective marketing strategy. Some of your goals involving PPC should be lead generation, brand awareness, sales, traffic and so on. Conduct search campaigns, seo and roi campaigns, create a budget with your marketing agency to calculate your ad spend and review your ppc plan.

2. Target Audience: Once you know what you want to achieve using PPC marketing, you can also figure out who your target audience is. The ads, the keywords, everything should give a proper meaning to your content. Do not add keywords and ads mindlessly hoping to generate an audience. Whenever a reader searches for something, they are trying to solve a problem. Instead of confusing readers even further, solve their problems using keywords and phrases with meaning and motive as a marketer.

3. Creating Ads: Now that you’re done figuring out your target audience, and your landing page, you need to create ads. They can be google ads or facebook ads. As mentioned before, make sure there’s some relation between the ad and your content. This will make sure that the audience is not misguided in their search for an answer.

4. Optimize Campaign Goals: Once you have created ads, analyze the keyword list and all possible ways to get the most out of your PPC campaign. You can also focus on click through rates, conversion rates, cost per click, negative keywords, quality score, paid search and so on.

Keep a track of key metrics in order to understand whether your strategy is working or not. These steps should help you understand the theory behind creating an effective PPC strategy. It is definitely not a piece of cake but you will get better over time. Our team has created a sample template to help you get started. Click here to access it.

We hope this article was of help. Please don’t forget to leave a comment. All the best!



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