How To Build Backlinks


Despite multiple algorithm adjustments, link building continues to be one of the most powerful ranking signals employed by search engines.

However, our link-building efforts are primarily limited to commenting on blogs in the same niche (“nofollow” backlinks with no link juice) or providing guest pieces to gloat about where our material has been published (under strict scrutiny by Google).

However, if you want to grow your site’s authority and rank better than your competitors in search engine result pages (SERPs), you must consistently generate authority backlinks. In other words, you must use successful link-building techniques that provide results.

How to Build Backlinks and SEO

Let’s dive into the world of backlinks and SEO, and why they’re essential for your website. So, what are backlinks? Well, simply put, they’re like votes of confidence from other websites. When a site links to yours, it’s like a little recommendation to search engines saying, “Hey, this content is worth checking out!” But not all links are created equal. You want quality backlinks from reputable sites in your niche. Why? Because they tell search engines that your site is trustworthy and relevant. And that’s where SEO comes in. SEO, or search engine optimization, is all about making your site easy for search engines to understand and rank. Building backlinks is a key part of SEO because it shows search engines that your site is popular and authoritative. So, how do you get backlinks? Well, there are many ways to build links, from guest posting to broken-link building. The key is to focus on quality over quantity. Avoid spammy tactics and instead aim for high-quality backlinks that will boost your domain authority and improve your search engine rankings.

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Backlinks may be obtained in three ways.

  • Natural connections are provided without the website owner’s intervention. For example, in the mountain climbing picture above, a natural connection would be involved in the hiking gear website had no part in getting that link. Creating high-quality material constantly is one of the finest techniques to earn natural connections naturally.
  • Manual links are achieved because of link earning operations. The backlink would be manual if the hiking gear website contacted the climbing resource and sought a link. Guest posting for a related website is another effective strategy for obtaining a manual link. Make sure to include a link to your website inside the article.
  • When a site manager manually enters a backlink into a forum, blog comment, or online directory, they create a self-created link. Be cautious — while self-created links may appear to be the simplest approach to earn backlinks, many of the tactics lean toward “black hat SEO,” or strategies that harm search engine reputation. These links are usually marked with “no follow” tags.

Importance and Usage of Quality Backlinks

When it comes to building backlinks, understanding their importance and finding effective ways to get them is key. Backlinks to your website are like votes of confidence from other sites, telling search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy. This boosts your SEO, helping your site rank higher in search results.

One of the best ways to earn backlinks is by creating high-quality content that people naturally want to link to. Every piece of content you produce should aim to provide value to your audience, whether it’s informative articles, engaging videos, or helpful resources. By consistently delivering valuable content, you increase the chances of other websites linking back to you.

Using white hat SEO tactics is crucial in building backlinks ethically and effectively. This means avoiding shady practices like buying links or using automated tools to spam websites. Instead, focus on building relationships with other website owners, reaching out to them to propose collaborations or guest blogging opportunities. Additionally, using free tools like SEO analysis software can help you identify opportunities for link building, such as finding referring domains or discovering websites that link to your competitors. By following these tips to get backlinks, you can create a solid backlink profile that improves your website’s visibility and credibility online.

More backlinks to your website show search engines that other people approve of your material. That’s a positive thing since search engines will begin to rank your site higher in the SERPs as a result. Backlinks, in other words, are beneficial to your search visibility and rating.

Increases brand awareness

When websites link to you, it indicates that they believe their viewers will benefit from what your website has to offer. Getting excellent backlinks also implies that individuals on reputable websites suggest your site and brand to their readers, leading to interesting visits to your website. When visitors arrive at your website, you may utilize a ‘Related Information’ widget at the bottom of your blog to direct them to further content that may be of interest to them. This helps consumers read more material on your website and spend more time on it, which Google considers while ranking your website.

Increases brand recognition

When websites link to you, it shows that they believe their viewers will benefit from what your website has to offer. Obtaining excellent backlinks also implies that individuals on trustworthy websites suggest your site and brand to their readers, leading to interesting visits to your website. When visitors arrive on your website, you may utilize a ‘Related Information’ widget at the bottom of your blog to direct them to more content that may be of interest to them. This helps people read more material and spend more time on your website, which Google considers when ranking your website.

Increases referral traffic

Backlinks also play a vital role in increasing referral traffic. Google Analytics records that click as a referral visit if a visitor arrives at your website through a backlink. In essence, referral traffic is more focused and relevant than other forms of traffic, resulting in a lower bounce rate.

Establishes your company as an authority

When more websites link back to you, it establishes your company as an expert on a specific service, issue, or subject. Remember that Google utilizes backlinks as one of its factors to ‘learn’ about your website. As a result, the more backlinks you have, the easier it will be for Google to learn more about your company.

They create connections between websites.

When you link to or promote other websites, people perceive it as a connection you have with the other site, and it fosters more trust when people know you trust each other enough to have an open, online interaction. However, do not fall into the mess of assuming that a link swap would be beneficial since this will only hurt you in the long run.

Backlinks, by definition, attract additional backlinks.

Another benefit that many people are not aware of. If you already have some best-quality backlinks on big websites, a small percentage of those people will write about and link to you – without you even asking.

Concept of Backlinks And Link Building

Understanding the concept of backlinks is crucial for anyone looking to improve their website’s ranking in search results. Basically, a backlink is like a virtual handshake from one site owner to another. When someone links to your site, they’re essentially saying, “Hey, this content is worth checking out!” And that’s important because search engines like Google see these links as votes of confidence, which can positively impact your website’s ranking.

Now, not all backlinks are created equal. Sure, having many backlinks pointing to your site is great, but it’s not just about quantity. Quality matters too. You want backlinks from reputable sites that are relevant to your niche. That’s why building backlinks to your website should be approached strategically. Instead of trying to buy backlinks or resorting to shady tactics, focus on organic link building strategies. Reach out to other website owners and offer to contribute valuable content or become a source for their articles. When you provide genuine value, they’re more likely to link back to your site naturally.

Building backlinks isn’t just about getting other sites to link to you; it’s also about being proactive. Look for opportunities to link to other websites within your own content. When you cite sources or reference other articles, it not only helps your readers but also increases the chances of those sites noticing and returning the favor. Remember, building backlinks is a two-way street, so be willing to give as well as receive. By following these principles, you can help you build a strong backlink profile that boosts your website’s visibility and credibility online.

What are high-quality backlinks?

When we talk about high-quality backlinks, we’re referring to links from reputable websites that genuinely add value to your own site. These are the kind of links that search engines like Google love to see because they indicate that other website owners consider your content trustworthy and relevant. But what exactly makes a backlink high-quality? Let’s break it down.

– Relevance: High-quality backlinks come from websites that are related to your niche or industry. When your website gets links from sites in the same field, it tells search engines that your content is relevant to that topic, which can boost your SEO ranking.
– Authority: Backlinks from authoritative websites carry more weight than those from lesser-known sites. Think of it like getting a recommendation from a respected expert in your field. These endorsements can help your website climb higher in search engine results.
– Natural Linking: High-quality backlinks often come naturally, without you having to ask for them. When people find your content valuable, they’re more likely to link to it on their own. This could happen through brand mentions, guest blogging opportunities, or even just because they genuinely want to share your content with their audience.

When you’re aiming to build high-quality backlinks, it’s essential to focus on building relationships with other website owners. Instead of simply asking for backlinks, consider offering something of value in return. Whether it’s a guest post, a collaboration opportunity, or just a friendly mention, being willing to give before you receive can go a long way. Remember, it’s not just about getting lots of backlinks; it’s about getting the right kind of backlinks that will help your website climb to the first page of search engine results. So, make building high-quality backlinks a central part of your SEO strategy, and watch as your website’s authority and visibility grow over time.

Backlinks through guest posting

Guest posting is one of the most effective ways to build backlinks to your website. When you write a guest post for another website, you not only get to showcase your expertise to a new audience but also usually get the chance to include a link back to your own site. This can be a great way to get listed on authoritative websites and improve your SEO ranking.

To start with guest posting, the first thing you need to do is find the right opportunities. Look for websites in your niche that accept guest blogs and have a decent domain authority. You can use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to check how many backlinks their pages get and if they’re worth pursuing. Once you’ve identified potential targets, reach out to the site owners with a pitch or proposal. Be sure to highlight the value you can provide to their audience and why you’d be a good fit for their site.

When writing your guest post, make sure to include a link back to your own website naturally within the content. Avoid overly promotional language and focus on providing valuable information that readers will find helpful. Remember, people love to link to content that’s informative, engaging, and well-written. Once your guest post is published, be sure to promote it on your own social media channels and website to maximize its reach. By consistently seeking out guest blogging opportunities and creating valuable content, you can fill the backlink gap and improve your website’s visibility on search engine results pages.

Guest on podcasts

Getting featured as a guest on podcasts is another effective way to build backlinks to your website. Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, and being a guest on one can expose your brand to a whole new audience. Plus, podcasts often have accompanying websites where they post show notes, which typically include links to their guests’ websites. This creates an opportunity for you to get valuable backlinks while sharing your expertise with listeners.

To get started with guesting on podcasts, first, identify podcasts relevant to your industry or niche. Look for shows that align with your expertise and target audience. You can use platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to discover podcasts in your niche. Once you’ve found a few potential podcasts, reach out to the hosts or producers with a compelling pitch. Let them know why you’d make a great guest and how you can provide value to their audience. Personalize your pitch and show that you’ve done your research on their podcast.

When you’re a guest on a podcast, be sure to mention your website and any relevant content in your industry. This not only helps drive traffic to your site but also increases the likelihood of getting backlinks. After the episode airs, reach out to the podcast host and ask if they can include a link to your website in the show notes. Many hosts are happy to oblige, especially if they found your insights valuable. By leveraging podcasts as part of your link building tactics, you can increase your visibility and climb higher in search engine results pages, ultimately positioning yourself as an expert in your industry.

Write to other blogs/sites.

You won’t build enough organic traffic only by publishing on my blog. And not all guest posting websites are created equal.

These are some of the best sites, all of which are listed in the top 100,000 on Alexa, that could assist increase organic traffic to your blog.

Write To Other Blog Sites

  • OutBrain
  • The Huffington Post
  • About
  • HubSpot
  • Mashable
  • Investopedia
  • Sitepoint
  • Entrepreneur

Guest comment outreach

This is a sophisticated guest posting approach. So, if you’ve never written a guest article previously, avoid this strategy for the time being. With that in mind, here’s how it works:

You may have noticed that other bloggers leave comments on your guest pieces. And these weren’t just any random people; these were bloggers in my specialty. Someone who leaves a remark on one of your guest pieces enjoyed your work. So long as you submit them a fantastic post, they’ll typically answer “Yes!”.

Through interviews

Interview chances give your clients improved brand authority, professional credibility, and even domain authority in this golden era of thought leadership. Getting interviewed on podcasts, news sites, blogs, and other outlets is another simple technique to develop natural backlinks.— Despite this, it is one of the most underutilized and underappreciated natural link-building tactics.

Typically, the interviewer will add a brief profile of the interviewee with a backlink on their website. This is fantastic, but there is still a lot left on the table! And sometimes, you must put in a little more effort to realize the possibilities of your client’s online interviews completely.

Briefly, these nine techniques (categorized as past, present, and future interviews) are as follows:

  • Looking for unrelated interviews
  • Contacting webmasters
  • Taking use of additional connectivity opportunities
  • Providing added value
  • assisting the interviewer in generating further interviews and positions
  • Ideas for pitches
  • Creating linkable assets
  • Creating a buzz in advance

Have your client assist the interviewer during the interview by urging viewers/readers/listeners to share the interview with someone who might benefit from it—the more people who share and interact with the interview, the more likely to get backlinks.

During the interview, advise that your client say that they can give further information about the issue in a follow-up blog post or even another interview. This will allow your client to gain additional links and focus on deep linking.

When your client has finished their interview, have them ask their interviewers if they know any other writers, reporters, blogs, or web admins that could be interesting in speaking with them. If this is the case, have your customer respectfully request an introduction. This can lead to further interviews and possible guest post possibilities, increasing traffic and link variety.

Interview an industry expert

New and innovative approaches to developing ties are always welcomed with open arms in the link-building arena. At a time when large-scale guest posting and infographic embedding campaigns have become quite common, you may take advantage of a significantly underutilized method to acquire high-quality, editorially offered connections to your site.

You may not only leverage the existing following of renowned experts in your area by posting expert interviews on your site, but you can also please users with valuable and original questions and responses. This contentment has a high likelihood of turning into backlinks and social shares.

When interviewing with a well-known individual, you must strike a balance. Before sending someone a questions-sheet (like in examinations!) via email in advance or asking random questions irrelevant to the subject of the current discussion in a video interview, you may simply ask the individual a handful of things in advance:

How much time they will devote to the interview on average. In the case of text interviews, this is frequently the limiting element in terms of how far the person doing the interview can push things.

What types of questions do they prefer? Whether you have a certain style of question or a few types of questions in mind that you believe will be fresh or intriguing to the readers, ask them ahead of time if they will be comfortable answering those types of questions.

Overall, expert interviews might be an excellent strategy to obtain high-quality organic connections. Suppose you believe you are creative enough to capitalize on this. In that case, you will not only gratify your viewers, but you will also attract editorially granted links that an infographic marketing campaign or a broken link-building effort may not be able to bring you.

The HARO technique

The Haro Technique

Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is a service that links journalists with a wide range of sources and allows you to obtain beneficial media coverage for your company. HARO makes your outreach efforts considerably easier by delivering many chances to you rather than hunting for them.

HARO sends out a lot of journalist inquiries three times every day. These inquiries are organized into many categories that cover various industries. So, no matter what business you are in, HARO can assist you in obtaining appropriate backlinks for positive advertising!

Here are some professional ideas to help you exploit this amazing tool to its full potential.

1. Go over all the emails

You’ll receive three emails every day, and you should look through them all to filter out the questions that are important to you. You may wish to confine yourself to your preferred category, but doing so will just limit your options. Make sure to browse through all the lists to find the finest opportunity to represent your company.

2. Understand the Rules

Check out the guidelines for sources offered by HARO before replying to any question. To maximize the potential of your pitch, avoid breaking these guidelines. Failure to follow the regulations may result in a suspension for you and your organization.

3. Obtain Quality Leads

HARO may be utilized to gain quick exposure and generate leads that will assist you in the long term. Help reporters out by replying to an inquiry even if it doesn’t benefit you, and you’ll be able to create strong connections that will benefit you in the future.

4. Contribute to HARO’s Growth

You can help HARO expand by forwarding inquiries to people with relevant knowledge via email or social media. This behavior is encouraged by HARO since it helps the service develop and gives additional materials to assist reporters.

5. React Quickly

HARO reporters promptly receive replies, so don’t stop responding once you’ve found a lead. If you react quickly, your chances of earning a placement rise since the first best responses are more likely to cut.

6. Do not go off-topic.

One of the HARO source’s guidelines is not to pitch off-topic. Going off-topic might damage your credibility and perhaps result in a ban from HARO. Be careful to craft a meaningful, on-topic pitch that will help the reporter and land you a placement.

7. Comply with the Directions

Many questions provide precise response guidelines, and following these recommendations may make your pitch much more appealing. Responses that do not meet the conditions are often rejected. To get identified by a reporter, carefully follow the directions provided.

8. Make Yourself Stand Out

Include something distinctive and original in your response to stand out from the hundreds of comments received by reporters every day. Begin with a memorable headline that captures attention and end with individualized, on-point material that can elicit a favorable response.

9. Establish Connections

Don’t be afraid to ask the reporter for Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook contacts when you land a placement. Make an open-ended offer of assistance in future articles. Cultivating such relationships with reporters can benefit your business by allowing you to be included in additional pieces by the same writer. Send a thank you message to the reporter and, if possible, distribute their publications as a favor.

10. Patience is essential.

Because articles sometimes take a long time to publish, a little patience can go a long way. It may take some time for the author to respond to you. Continue pitching, and don’t give up on your new link-building plan.

Social media profiles

Review company’s profile

There are several advantages to obtaining internet company reviews. One advantage is that it might help your company rank better on Google. Also, positive feedback is beneficial to a company’s bottom line. Bright Local conducted a poll of local consumer evaluations and discovered:

  • Eighty-two percent of customers looked at online reviews of local companies.
  • Seventy percent looked at numerous online review sites before picking a local business.
  • 79 percent regarded online reviews as if they were personal endorsements, and
  • Seventy-three percent believed favorable customer reviews made them trust a business.

An online review website, according to Review Trackers, improves your local SEO performance.

Review blogs

If you’ve already sent out one or two outreach letters and haven’t received a response, one of three things is likely to have occurred:

  • You did not impress the blogger; the blogger is not interested in this form of partnership; the blogger disregarded your letter or went directly to the spam box.
  • A tailored email is far superior to a bulk email.
  • Every individual on your outreach list should be addressed differently to enhance the likelihood of a favorable response from them.

What you should do is as follows:

In the initial email, don’t offer too many specifics. Too much information will immediately distract the reader. Simply attempt to get a sense of whether they’d be receptive to a particular form of partnership. Use a different template for each blogger. Make a point to address everyone by name and mention their blog by name. Demonstrate that you’ve seen their work.

Congratulate the blogger on their website and work. People adore praises, don’t you think? This does not, however, imply that you must say stuff like “OMG, your blog is the finest ever.” Nobody is going to believe that. Instead, leave a comment on one of their most recent blogs describing how it was beneficial to you. If a follow-up is required, don’t be aggressive. After you’ve reached out the first time, only one nice follow-up message is required—no spamming, remember?

Offer testimonials

Not only are Reviews beneficial to a customer’s decision-making process, but they are also a wonderful tool to develop confidence and credibility for your organization. According to a Bright Local survey, 68% of consumers are more inclined to buy from local businesses with great evaluations, and “91% of 18-34-year-old consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.”

Search engines will identify that your website has been updated with fresh and relevant material with each new testimonial or Review you receive. When you update your website, it creates a new crawling opportunity, which means your page might rank higher depending on the quality of the latest Review on your website. Testimonials and reviews can also help you rank higher for long-tail keywords.

You might uncover new terms to utilize as keywords for on-site SEO by studying your customers’ comments. With each testimonial or Review you post, search engines will notice your company name and website near important keywords and phrases, which can boost site authority.

Three parties profit from testimonials and reviews:

Three Parties Profits

  • The customer.
  • The company was audited.
  • The examiner

Share rich media platforms.

Attracting and retaining your desired audience may be a challenging task. Buyers have gotten more intelligent, with higher expectations of the companies they purchase.

Customers who perform in-depth research before making a purchase will come into touch with a lot of information—71 percent of B2B buyers engage with content during the purchasing process. Inundated with marketing noise, customers must select which pieces of material to dedicate their time to and utilize as guiding references in their purchasing choice.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the term “rich media” used largely in the context of sponsored advertising. This is the most popular application of the phrase. Still, I’d argue that rich media has a role in content operations as well, complementing more traditional types of inert material.

According to Wikipedia, rich media is “a wide spectrum of interactive digital media that demonstrate dynamic motion and make use of increased sensory characteristics such as video, music, and animation.”

Rich media material can come in a variety of forms, such as:

  • Videos \sGIFs
  • Stories on Instagram
  • Podcasts
  • The audio narration of content Infographics
  • Topical webinars and live broadcasts

In the hands of any skilled content marketer, rich media is a potent weapon. It may be used as a high-value independent piece of content or as a complementary piece of information tied to a bigger offering, giving prospects a more engaging format who prefer to consume content in video or audio forms rather than a standard blog post white paper, or eBook.

Rich media may assist you in improving key engagement metrics and increasing awareness and position in the eyes of prospects. What’s the best part? Even minor investments can have a significant impact.

Other online means

Link reclamation

Link building is one of the vital topics discussed in SEO and digital marketing. It has remained somewhat popular (after peaking in 2012 right around the first Penguin release).

A lot of the discussion around backlinks and link building revolves around how to create new ones, which is a good thing. However, it overlooks one key aspect of backlinks: the upkeep of existing links.

The act of detecting broken or deleted links to your site and correcting and replacing them with updated URLs is known as link reclamation. While link reclamation is not as showy as link creation, it is an important aspect of getting the maximum out of your link profile and preserving your rankings.

Link reclamation is an excellent opportunity for marketers and SEOs. It retains link juice, ensures a great user experience, and can even aid in creating new backlinks.

And we know that link reclamation is required: 18% of backlinks either result in a 404 (including soft 404s) or point to an unrelated website.

Link building will (probably) always be an important aspect of SEO. But therefore, it’s critical to keep the worth and quality of the ties you’ve previously established. In fact, before starting any new link-building effort, go through the link reclamation procedure to reclaim any lost link juice and get the ball moving on obtaining new links.

Help hacked sites

There are many hackers out there, and there are also numerous susceptible websites. What if you locate 10,000 high-quality sites with vulnerabilities that you can use to insert a tiny contextual link? Well, this will gain you 10,000 powerful backlinks that will put you at the top of search results assuming the anchor text is not overused!

The webmaster is unlikely to detect the new “hacked” contextual link on a secondary, inner page. This is a major issue for Google since it is extremely difficult to classify such connections as “hacked links” 100 percent of the time. There is no common denominator since multiple vulnerabilities (backdoors) can be used, and hacked sites are not linked to one another, as a link farm would be.

Unfortunately, they are relatively cheap. The main reason companies use them is that it is 10 to 100 times cheaper, faster, and easier to post hacked links than to publish a high-quality topical article through the webmaster of a legitimate site.

All you need is a script to search sites for known exploits and then inject a link or code into the susceptible sites.

Wikipedia citations

Wikipedia is one of the internet’s largest, oldest, and most authoritative websites, making Wikipedia backlinks some of the most powerful connections globally.

It’s difficult to conduct a Google search for any phrase that doesn’t return Wikipedia in the top ten results.

But are Wikipedia backlinks still as beneficial as they once were?

Let me tell you, they certainly are!

The site, the traffic, and the authority aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. As a result, Wikipedia backlinks may be quite beneficial.

For most queries, Wikipedia appears in the search results. It’s a very authoritative site, and gaining links from them is a powerful recommendation for your site.

Google likes Wikipedia links, as they should since human moderators evaluate them, which is why you should develop links from them.

Over the past few years, I’ve discovered a simple and successful method for building Wikipedia backlinks. Not only that, but with my spin, you’ll also receive links and traffic from other reputable sites! A Wikipedia connection will drive highly relevant traffic to your website.


Because the entire site is devoted to providing viewers with high-quality information about a certain search keyword.

The best part? If your website is linked from a Wikipedia article, it will create more links from other websites eager to utilize your website as a reference!

So, Wikipedia isn’t just a backlink; it’s a traffic and natural backlink generator! And it is a worthwhile location to spend your time.

Directory listings

A directory is a website that permits you to submit a website URL to create backlinks. Backlinks may be obtained from well-known directories such as Yellow Pages and Yelp.

As we all know, Backlinks are a key ranking element employed by Google. The more links connect to your site from high-quality and relevant sources, the higher your ranks. Directory backlinks must be among the first links you generate for your site since they are virtually guaranteed—they are backlinks waiting to be built.

When it comes to directories, there are five basic sorts from which you should obtain links:

  • Directories in general
  • Listings of businesses
  • Citations from the community
  • Directories that charge fees
  • Specialized directories

Feeler emails

Feeler emails are basic promotional emails sent to prospective buyers that do not request a backlink. You want to see if the individual answers or not.

When you receive a response, the consumer is interested in your product or service. You may now submit your pitch to them. Instead of approaching clients directly, sending a feeler email is better to catch their attention. Ten statistics on outreach responses

We’ll now summarise our backlink-building tactics in the form of a snippet. Here are the most basic strategies for generating high-quality backlinks.

  • Use the Moving Man Method – Create broken backlinks.
  • Create guest posts for authoritative websites.

Infographics may help you achieve your goals.

  • Create internal connections to make your site more user-friendly.
  • Examine what your rivals are doing to promote your content.

Create testimonies

  • Do not underestimate the influencers’ and journalists’ power.
  • Donate to a worthy cause.
  • Use online interviews to share your expertise.

To build meaningful backlinks, utilize a Google backlink generator. You require them to ensure that your website achieves and, more crucially, retains the top Google ranking. This may be ensured by an efficient plan that properly uses top backlink tools.

Bonus tips

Analyze competitors

During a competitor backlink analysis, you look at websites in your sector and have a comparable audience to yours. Throughout this investigation, you evaluate your competitor’s website performance, the number of backlinks, and general internet authority.

A competitor backlink analysis aids in the development of a digital strategy for your website, allowing you to:

  1. Examine your industry’s competitiveness. By studying competition websites, you can assess how well your rivals are performing and develop parameters for what you need to do to compete with them. For example, if your competitors’ sites have an average of 100 backlinks, you may need to develop more backlinks for your site if you have fewer than the industry average.
  2. Investigate what makes others in your sector rank highly. A competitor backlink analysis will show you the quantity and quality of sites connected to your rivals. This explains why the sites are ranking highly. If a competitor’s site appears on the first page of search results, you may observe the backlink portfolio that helped them achieve this high ranking.
  3. Determine how you can replicate a competitor’s method to gain backlinks as well. When you identify the backlink profile that assists your rivals in ranking, you can utilize that knowledge to boost your site’s rating by building a plan for earning backlinks and finding guest blogging opportunities from the same sites.

Skyscraper method

The Skyscraper Technique is a link-building solution developed by Backlinko’s Brian Dean as a technique to generate interesting content that will help you get excellent editorial links. And the technique is built on three fundamental principles:

  • Discover popular material that has been linked to other websites.
  • Make better material on the same subject and post it on your website.
  • Let the relevant individuals know about your material and promote it to them.

This distinguishes the strategy from others and provides you with something you can use for links since it adds so much value and depth to a topic that it makes sense for others on your outreach list to link to it. The strategy works so effectively because you are improving on something previously shown to create outcomes and use that knowledge. It is a prevalent fallacy that everything you do must be completely novel.

Competitor insights are among the most effective tools we can utilize in SEO to achieve a competitive edge. And that entails analyzing data on what rivals are doing to discover their flaws and determine what might be done better. Driving success with content should not be a guessing game, and this method provides a framework for doing so. However, there are certain factors to consider while employing The Skyscraper Technique:

  • Better content does not always imply more content.
  • There are several methods to enhance a piece of material.
  • Few people can create material and automatically acquire links and traffic.
  • If no one is aware of your material, it will not be linked.
  • Promotion is a critical component of content marketing, and those who make an effort to spread their information using an effective plan are the ones who eventually win big.

Moving man method

The Moving Man approach is a technique for obtaining high-quality backlinks from sites related to your subject or sector. It’s a word invented by Backlinko’s Brian Dean, a link-building guru.

The Moving Man Method’s main steps.

The Moving Man Method

  • Step 1: Look for websites or resources that have changed names, been shut down, or relocated.
  • Step 2: Look for sites that are linked to the old page.
  • Step 3: Inform them that their link is out of date.

Simple methods for locating obsolete resources that you can use.

  • Keep a lookout for rebranded or renamed sites in your business.

As you may know, Moz was not the first firm in history to rebrand, and it will not be the last. Every day, scores of organizations change their names or relocate to a new domain.

  • Use search strings to locate site features that are no longer available

Sometimes, for whatever reason, a company disables a function on their website (like Google recently did with Google Reader).

And some of these features were very popular back in their day, which means they accumulated many backlinks from authority sites.

However, firms typically create a “service no longer available” page rather than removing the website that housed the services.

Audio and infographics

Because they are aesthetically engaging, easy to absorb, and widely shared, infographics are extremely beneficial for backlinks.

Why are infographics so effective?

  • Humans are visual beings.

We are inherently visual learners since we are more drawn to graphics than words. As a result, infographics outperform articles in terms of readership. According to one research, infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than text-only material.

  • Simple to digest

People comprehend a text 323 percent better when accompanied by an illustration, which is related to the prior statement. This also applies to infographics, which blend gorgeous visuals and concise prose. People can read and comprehend infographics faster and better because of the straightforward and easy-to-read style.

  • Extremely shareable

Infographics are incredibly shareable due to their bite-sized nature since they can fit on practically any platform, including websites, emails, social networking platforms, and even printed advertising material like brochures and pamphlets. Because of this characteristic, infographics are three times more likely than any other type of material to be shared.

Five ways to get backlinks using infographics

Now that you understand why infographics are so powerful, let’s utilize them effectively to generate backlinks and build your website. Here is a step-by-step guide on using infographics for link building:

  • Creation of content

The first step is, of course, to develop the infographic. Not simply an infographic, but one that is valuable and practical. To begin, don’t squander your money on generating flashy, pricey infographics. Using free and low-cost infographic tools and platforms is OK if you deliver relevant material.

  • Publication and submission of infographics

After you’ve finished producing the infographic, share it on your website and infographic directory websites like Pinterest or Infographic Journal. Remember that page speed is a genuine ranking factor when publishing on your site. So, use these free tools to optimize your page performance.

  • Look for potential websites.

Aside from infographic directories, you should attempt to have your infographic published on other websites with a similar specialty to yours. How? So, you need to contact them. To begin, look for websites to which you may contact out. We propose utilizing tools like Ahrefs to assemble many web pages quickly.

  • Gathering of email addresses

Following the curation of websites to determine which are appropriate for publishing your infographic and which are not, the next step is to collect the email addresses of individuals who work on those websites. It might be a writer, content manager, editor, or anybody else in charge of the website’s content.

  • Email marketing campaign

Now that you have all the confirmed email addresses, it’s time to undertake some email outreach to promote your infographic. There are two approaches: the first is to use automated email solutions such as Mail shake, and the second is to send the emails one by one.

.edu pages

An Edu backlink is just a mention of a link from the domain. These are the official websites of educational institutions such as schools, universities, and colleges. For one reason, EDU backlinks are in great demand among SEO specialists. They are quite effective in increasing your site’s domain and page authority.

The more EDU backlinks you have, the more trust you will earn from Google, resulting in increased authority, traffic, and ranks in your niche (Google puts a lot of value on these educational domains). However, while it may appear straightforward in principle, obtaining backlinks may be difficult. We’re talking about obtaining (or earning) backlinks from websites like Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, and others.

And last we looked; these educational websites don’t just connect out to everyone online. You can’t just phone them up, tell them your website exists, and receive a wonderful response right away—Edu backlink from them to increase your site’s exposure.

They’re quite particular.

Backlinks are not all made equal. A link from a spammy forum will not carry as much weight as a link from an authoritative site in your sector. Similarly, Google places a larger value on EDU backlinks than it does on connections obtained by guest blogging with your peers. The majority of high-quality EDU backlinks will not fall into your lap by coincidence. You must go out into the world and EARN them.

First and foremost, your website may already have EDU backlinks. Utilize our free backlink analyzer to generate a brief backlink profile if you’re unsure. Obtaining high-value EDU backlinks is no easy task. You must know where to look for hidden chances on educational websites. After that, you must devise a plan for getting links from these domains.

If you continue with white-hat techniques of backlinks for a long enough period, you may amass many of them in a matter of weeks or months.

The best part is that you don’t need hundreds connections to begin ranking highly on Google. If the links are of excellent quality, a small number of them can frequently be enough to tip the needle in your search engine rankings.

So, roll up your sleeves and start looking for EDU backlinking chances! The benefits are well worth the effort.

Popular tools


Backlinks are one of the most important elements of Google’s algorithm. Therefore, if your competitors have more high-quality links than you, they will be able to beat you to the top of the search results.

With Ubersuggest, you may receive access to your rivals’ backlink data, allowing you to understand their link profile better while targeting the same links.

Here’s what you should do.

Step 1: Enter your competitor’s domain and press the Search button.

Step 2: In the left sidebar, click Backlinks.

Step 3: Go through the Overview

All three of these figures are critical to a site’s potential to rank high in search engines:

  • Domain score describes the overall strength of the website, ranging from 1 (poor) to 100 (very strong) (high)
  • Backlinks – the number of inbound links from other websites.
  • Referring domains – the number of distinct domains that connect to the site.

Step 4: Scroll Down to Backlinks

While the preceding information will help you better understand the website’s health, it is this step that will allow you to obtain more backlinks.

These findings reveal the following:

  • The title and URL of the source page — the title that appears in a Google search for the URL, as well as the URL itself
  • Domain score — the overall strength of the website, ranging from 1 (poor) to 100 (very strong) (high)
  • Page score — the overall strength of the URL, ranging from 1 (poor) to 100 (very strong) (high)
  • The type of link — whether the link is text-based or image-based
  • Anchor text is the text that may be clicked in a hyperlink.
  • The backlink was discovered for the first time by Ubersuggest’s s robots.
  • Last spotted – the most recent time Ubersuggest’ s robots validated the backlink.

Check my links

This is one of the most user-friendly backlink tools for SEO strategy because it is available as a Google Chrome plugin.

One of the most effective strategies to build high-quality inbound links is to identify broken links on other websites, contact the relevant person, and request that they be replaced with one to your site.

Check My Links speeds up the process by acting as a backlink checker. You can rapidly do a backlink check on a webpage with the plugin activated. While the majority will be green or active, a few will be displayed in red. These are the external links that are no longer functional. These are the ones that provide you the chance to boost your link popularity.

Broken link building might not be a method you’ve utilized before, but you can quickly adapt it in the future with this basic backlink tool

Broken link builder

Instead, you may use Broken Link Builder if you don’t want to utilize backlink tools like the Check My Links Google Chrome plugin.

You are not needed to look for broken inbound links one page at a time with our backlink checker tool. Instead, it researches the web on your behalf, assisting you in identifying broken links in a matter of seconds, and then returns the search results to you.

Once you’ve compiled a list of broken links, it’s time to start working on increasing your link popularity. You can start the outreach process in the hopes of contacting the person in charge of replacing the broken link with a better one. This link will now lead to your website if all goes as planned. You’ve improved your link-building approach in only a few steps.

Starting is a straightforward three-step process:

  • Use the backlink checker tool to detect broken links relating to your topic.
  • Choose pages that you can reproduce or contain material relevant to what you currently have on your website.
  • Contact the site’s owner, inform them about the broken inbound link, and recommend that they connect to your material.

Broken Link Builder does two things in general:

  • This saves you time.
  • It assists you in identifying possibilities to increase your link popularity.

Both factors should be significant to you as a marketing professional.


In many respects, Content Bird is a one-stop SEO solution. While many of its functions are geared at link development, it may also be used to:

  • Examine the popularity and profile of your backlinks.
  • Keep track of your standings.
  • Conduct keyword research in preparation for search engine optimization.

The fact that you can simply integrate link building with your content marketing plan and search engine optimization is something I truly enjoy about this SEO software and backlink tool. Because they go hand in hand, this is an advantage that should not be neglected.

Content Bird’s other high-level features include:

  • Capability to find high-quality inbound connections on websites.
  • Discover your competitors’ backlinks so you may pursue the same links.
  • Integration with an email ticket system, which aids in outreach.

Finally, this backlink tool includes a capability for team member cooperation. This is ideal for businesses where more than one individual oversees marketing and link-building strategies. Wasted time is reduced by having everyone on the same page. When you utilize Contentbird, link building and content marketing work in unison. This is significant from the standpoint of SEO.


There aren’t many backlink tools and technologies with as much strength and features as Pitchbox when link prospecting and marketing are considered.

The following is how the firm describes itself:

“Pitchbox automates the heavy work, allowing you to focus on what you do best: making genuine, person-to-person relationships with the individuals you want to reach.”

Pitchbox is a backlink tool that you should use daily if you are serious about your link-building plan and getting your business to the next level.

When it comes to creating high-quality natural connections, outreach is the name of the game. You may use this tool to identify tailored opportunities based on your search criteria. Each prospect’s contact details and social accounts are also mentioned.

Pitchbox, on the other hand, goes a step ahead by including an automatic follow-up option. This allows you to keep in contact with inbound link prospects even when you don’t have time to do so.

Finally, its Intelligent Templates ensure that your outreach stands out. You don’t want your email to be lost in the shuffle. You want people to take it seriously. You may tailor each outreach by using a well-organized template, making it a game-changer for a sophisticated building approach.

Pitchbox offers several high-level functions without getting bogged down in unnecessary minutiae. This is a huge benefit for anyone trying to create links quickly.


To understand how to gain backlinks, you don’t need money or famous recognition. Backlinks are a vital element of any SEO strategy, but they do not appear randomly. Rather than waiting for things to happen, take the initiative and ask for them.

Creating content that others want to link to and cultivating connections with the real people behind other websites across the internet will help you enhance your backlink game and start seeing genuine gains in your SEO results.

Using sensible approaches, you may develop backlinks to your website. If you’re just beginning to start, the entire procedure might be time-consuming, but it’s well worth it in the long run. Build only high-quality backlinks and avoid connections that might create problems.

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