Job searching is not enjoyable. Nothing about searching through online job advertisements, polishing your resume, or getting ready for difficult interviews is enjoyable. It is a basic necessity for us to add a cover letter to our job application. However, writing a strong cover letter is often the most difficult step in the process. It’s difficult to know where to start because there is so much contradictory information available. Do you even need one if you’re submitting your application online? Keep reading to learn more about how to create a strong cover letter, along with a free cover letter template!

What is a Cover Letter?

An application letter that you submit with your resume outlines your career goals and your qualifications for the position you’re applying for, is called a Professional Cover Letter.

In addition to your CV, you should include a cover letter, sometimes referred to as an application letter that details your qualifications for the position you’re looking for. Three to four paragraphs are usually included, highlighting your accomplishments, talents, and expertise in connection to the position you’re applying for.

Why is a Cover Letter required?

A professional-looking modern cover letter has the following advantages:

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1. Instant Value: Initial impressions matter. Your first opportunity to distinguish yourself and be taken seriously among the fierce competition is to write a succinct and intriguing cover letter. The reader will be drawn in and your chances of moving further in the selection process increase if you highlight your major skills right away.

2. Personality: Your cover letter’s language has the power to convey aspects of your personality that your resume cannot. Your letter’s tone provides the employer with crucial information about your personality and the kinds of qualities that might benefit their organization. It enables you to articulate why you are the ideal candidate for the position in your own words.

3. Special Fit: A cover letter is a crucial tool for demonstrating how your particular set of abilities and expertise fit the essential criteria of the job description. This is your moment to demonstrate how your skills, expertise, and experience directly relate to the demands of the business.

How to Create a Cover Letter?

Here are a few things you must keep in mind while creating a professional cover letter template:

1. First, conduct research. Before you start writing, find out more about the firm and the exact position you seek. Of course, you should carefully read the job description, but you should also go at the company website, the Twitter accounts of the executives, and the LinkedIn profiles of the employees. You should not submit a generic cover letter, thus this study will help you make it unique. You can choose the appropriate tone with its assistance. Experts suggest that you consider the organization’s culture before submitting an application. When defining what a creative agency does, it’s important to consider the agency’s approach and risk tolerance. For example, a design company might take bold creative risks, while a more conservative institution, like a bank, would opt for a more reserved strategy

2. Orient it toward the future. The cover letter should be centered on the future and what you want to achieve, but your resume should be a look back at your experience and where you’ve been. Consider it as the link between the present and the future that describes what you intend to accomplish after this and why. There is less of an expectation that you will apply for a job that you have already had.

3. Open firmly. “People frequently include a statement like, “I’m applying for X job that I saw in Y location in their cover letters. Lees argues that it is a waste. Instead, start with a powerful sentence. Glickman advises, “Start with the punch line – why this position excites you and what you contribute to the table.” Writing something like, “I’m an environmental fundraising specialist with more than 15 years of experience searching for a chance to use my abilities in new ways, and I’d love to offer my knowledge and passion to your growing development team,” for instance, may be a good example. Then, if it’s appropriate, you may add a phrase or two describing your history and experience, but don’t repeat your resume.




4. Make sure to highlight your own worth. Managers who are hiring are seeking candidates with problem-solving skills. Show that you are knowledgeable about the business’s operations and some of its difficulties by drawing on your past study. Although they don’t have to be detailed, you may discuss how the epidemic has impacted the industry. You may say, for instance, “Many healthcare organizations are overburdened by the need to deliver high-quality treatment while preserving the wellbeing and safety of their personnel. Then, discuss how your prior experiences have prepared you to satisfy those demands. You may do this by sharing an accomplishment or by explaining how you overcame a challenge that was comparable in the past. You need to show proof of the factors that make

5. Keep it brief. A lot of the information out there advises keeping it to one page or less. But concur that much shorter is preferable. Most cover letters I see are overly lengthy. It should be short enough for someone to skim over it. You must cover a lot of territory, but you must do so briefly. At this point, having a friend, mentor, or former coworker look through your letter might be beneficial. Ask them to read it through and identify any areas where you can make cuts. Also, add basic details, such as, your contact information (phone number and email ID). Last but not least, create a simple cover letter that makes it easy for the reader to anticipate all the information you have added.

Free Cover Letter Template

We created a sample cover letter to help tou get started. You can easily use this template for your next cover letter

Soumya Kundra,

Marketing Specialist,

Radhanath Road, Kolkata-17


I was delighted to read your advertisement for the job of Digital Marketing Manager since I have always been a fan of XYZ’s marketing activities. I am certain that I can assist XYZ with its impending issues. I’ve managed profitable national internet campaigns with spending caps above $2,000,000. Additionally, I have been successful in growing ABC’s clientele by 18% since 2015.

I have managed all of our internet marketing projects at ABC in my present role, including the technical and creative aspects. My main goal the previous year was to develop and optimize nine product websites for ABC’s most strategic items, boost the UX, and increase our SEO results. One year later, here we are:

• Eight websites I optimized made it into and maintained the top three Google rankings. These are natural, unpaid results for 10 or more important search queries; 47% of all organic traffic for important terms and phrases comes from inbound search engine traffic to all nine websites.

• I am aware that one of XYZ’s current goals is to provide a comprehensive online resource devoted to matters of healthcare. Creating a distinctive online information base for patients and medical professionals is an exciting opportunity presented by this project, which perfectly combines my professional and personal interests. With this endeavor, I would love to use my expertise in SEO marketing and online growth marketing to produce ground-breaking outcomes.

Along with these contributions, I have gained more knowledge, skills and experience in the field as this was my first time tackling these challenges.

I would be delighted to talk with you about your digital marketing goals and demonstrate how the rise of XYZ’s digital and online marketing can be attributed to my success at ABC.


Soumya Kundra

NOTE: The example given above highlights the cover letter as per the needs of someone who wants to further their career in marketing. You can alter the details as per your needs, whether you’re a student or a fresher. Make sure not to alter the format, and that’s all!

A strong cover letter will reflect your excitement for the position, show that you are familiar with the company, and add specifics to your CV that the hiring manager won’t discover there. Making a strong first impression with your cover letter may help you beat out the competition, making it an essential part of your job search. With the aid of our cover letter samples, you may persuade employers that you are the ideal candidate for the position.

We hope that now you will be able to create a cover letter in minutes using the above guide. Anywats, that’s all for now. Please leave any comments or questions you have for us below. All the best!




















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