Inviting guest speakers to your podcast is one of the finest methods to naturally increase your brand awareness, internet impact, and podcast audience. What do you say, though?

Searching for new listeners is only one aspect of marketing your podcast. Additionally, it entails keeping your current listeners interested in your brand and informed of new material. Email template is one of the most effective marketing methods you have at your disposal when it comes to your podcast.

What is a Podcast Email?

An email that you send out on a regular basis to your subscribers to advertise your podcast and brand is known as a podcast email or podcast newsletter. You can elect to send a collection that promotes many episodes instead of a podcast email each time you release a new episode. There is a great deal of freedom here.

Your podcast newsletter serves more than merely increasing traffic to the most recent episodes (although that is definitely an important part of it). Additionally, your emails should benefit the lives of your readers. This will enhance their listening experience and help them connect more deeply with your business.

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Why is a Podcast Newsletter required?

A podcast newsletter is a fantastic method to encourage listeners to do more than simply listen to your podcast. For instance, email is a fantastic tool for…

● Promoting sponsors and affiliate links.

● Providing exclusive resources or material.

● Sharing news or information from behind the scenes.

● Convincing listeners to purchase from you.

● Receiving new subscribers as a result of existing subscribers sharing your email with their contacts.

How to Write a Great Podcast Outreach Email?

1. Select a tool for email marketing. Unfortunately, using your Gmail account to deliver a podcast newsletter is not possible. To maintain your list and send your podcast emails, you must use an email marketing tool. There are numerous solutions available to you. Many of them provide free trials or are free for accounts with few members. Don’t take too long comparing various email marketing platforms. If you don’t like the features, you can easily modify them afterwards. Starting now is preferable to procrastinating over minor details. Simply make sure the tool you select is within your means.

2. Assemble email addresses. You need some subscribers in order to send podcast emails. You must gather addresses on your podcast website because the listeners’ contact information is not provided by the podcast directories and listening platforms (such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify). Your website should have opt-in forms. You can put them at the bottom of each episode post, in your footer, or on the home page. Additionally, you can design specific landing pages that request people’ email addresses in exchange for lead magnets. Integrate these forms with your email marketing software to automatically add subscribers to your list.

3. Create a template for a podcast newsletter. Some podcast hosts favor sending straightforward, plain-text emails. Go with it if you believe it is what your audience will like. But you’ll need to create a template if you want a little bit more production value. Your email’s foundation is its template. It typically has a footer with social networking links and the obligatory email disclaimers, as well as a header with your logo and sometimes a few links to various pages on your website. The Slowdown is a good illustration. Their format is clear and simple to consume. Every email has a straightforward header with simply the logo.

4. Your next step is to populate your template with content now that it is complete. What information should be in your podcast newsletter? Basically anything you want, I guess. Sending one email each time a new episode is published is the simplest approach to manage a podcast newsletter. In this situation, a single email’s content just has to contain the following components:

• Title of the episode (number or name)

• if there is a subheading

• a succinct summary of the episode and the value of listening to it

• guests’ names and faces

• Links to the episode’s audio (your site and listening apps)

Some podcasters like to give their emails a little more substance. They might incorporate news items or blog posts that they discover to be intriguing. Other content they create or engage in may also be included, such as Facebook group discussions, Twitter conversations, blogs, guest appearances on other programmes, articles, or anything else.

5. Create a few automations. The next step is to begin creating automations once you are satisfied with your podcast mailing procedure. Email automations are collections of emails that are automatically sent out when a subscriber responds to a specific trigger. A welcome series is the simplest illustration of automation. An email series known as a welcome series is delivered to new subscribers as soon as they sign up for the list. For instance, a new subscriber might receive the following three emails, each spaced a few days apart:

• Welcome to the neighborhood! What you’ll get is listed below.

• Here are the top three episodes on our channel.

• Here are some additional methods to contact us.

Podcast Email Template


Hey there!

How are you doing this evening?

If you’re bored, or just want something to do, we have got just the solution for you!

Our new podcast, “xyz”, is going to be live on 22.09.2022 on Facebook.

It will also be available on Spotify and our own Youtube channel.

We would also love to hear what you thought about us, so, don’t forget to follow our social media handles.

*insert social media handles*

*name of your podcast*

*your name*




We hope you’re having a great day, and if not, we were hoping to make it better. Wonder how?

We know it is difficult for a lot of you to connect with us and our podcasts, so to make things easier for you, we have come up with forms for you to fill out. That way, you will get an email every time we post an episode. How cool is that, right?

Thanks for bearing with us!

*insert link to the form*

*insert social media handles*

*name of your podcast*

*your name*



Hey guys,

We’ve been wondering how to get more in touch with you guys and discovered that most of our listeners are not subscribed to us. That means you are missing out on some cool content.

But we came up with a solution!

Here is a FREE bonus episode, just for you guys, *insert link*.

We’ll be sending these to you every month, if you click on this link and get registered,

Look forward to your co-operation!

*insert social media handles*

*name of your podcast*

*your name*


Consistency is essential in marketing campaigns as well. Your initial podcast newsletter releases might not be successful. That is entirely typical. Continue to tweak your podcast emails over time until you start to see an increase in opens and click-throughs. Don’t be hesitant to experiment with various content types, subject lines, and email styles. Your subscribers will eventually start to anticipate each email.

We hope this article was helpful. Please don’t forget to leave any comments or questions you have for us in the comment section given below.

All the best!

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