Wondering why every website is coming up with a dedicated signup page these days? Well, let’s just say, they are doing what you were supposed to do a long time back. What? Haven’t you already done that? I bet you have! Nevertheless, you aren’t witnessing any significant growth in the number of signups for your website, isn’t it? We all have been there and let’s just assume you aren’t focusing on certain key elements which are disincentivizing your visitors from signing up.

Anyways, I think you must already know what those elements are, don’t you? But it’s not as simple as it sounds, we all have so many questions left unanswered, tell me if you don’t relate to it. Keeping that in mind, I thought, why don’t I put in some answers I gathered from my experience and several experts? Such answers might help strengthen your future email marketing campaigns and get you new users in no time. So, here they are!

What kind of Incentives can you use to Increase user Sign ups?

By incentives, I mean free benefits that might prompt a user to instantly sign up. Haven’t you seen how famous e-commerce sites always have coupons or free trials up their sleeves? All you gotta do is sign up and you can easily avail so many benefits. Well, that got me wondering what benefits should I offer? To be more specific, what’s gonna work for my business? As a matter of fact, there’s not one answer to that question because every business has got their unique products/services to offer. Regardless, there are a few things that work for most. Here, take a look!

  • Free trials and access to stuff like pdfs, resources, and features. I mean who isn’t attracted by such free trails? As a user, I might think twice before foregoing the opportunity to try out a product or service for free.
  • A limited-period offer that is exclusive to users who sign up.
  • Discount coupons or vouchers for not just your own products but also products or services of other sellers. That might sound a bit strange initially, however, eventually, you will definitely see positive results. For instance, just a week ago I was trying to load my Amazon pay balance, and the Amazon site kept on showing an ongoing offer, under which, if you use a particular debit card for the same, you will get a voucher that can get you a 20% discount on your next purchase on the Domino’s app. See the relation? I agree, there is nothing about signing up here however the same tactic has been used by countless other sites, and it has done wonders for them!

In the past, many experts have also shared similar views when it comes to offering incentives. For instance, take a look at what Daniel Thompson, the co-founder of Salt Water Digital, says about offering incentives to visitors.

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“Offering incentives is an attractive option to increase user signups. But it’s vital to choose those incentives which will attract your target audience. For instance, you have a blog that produces content about food. To attract users, you can offer coupons for some well-known restaurants. You can collaborate with some restaurants for it. In this way, the restaurants can also get marketing, and you can increase your audiences. Even if it’s a one-time offer, it will create a buzz in the market. You can get online traffic from it.”

Now, let’s move on to our next question!

What kind of CTAs Triggered more Signups for your website?

CTAs have a weird way to attract our attention, don’t they? But not everyone can use them effectively. The best CTAs are always free from too many layers of advertising. CTAs should always be crystal clear in their motives, as in, the user must be aware of what they are going in for by clicking on such CTAs. For instance, some sites use ‘subscribe now’ instead of ‘sign up now’. That might create confusion among the visitors as to whether they are subscribing to any newsletter or signing up for a service. In a nutshell, always use CTAs that are easy to interpret.

According to Nina Neuschuetz, Marketing Manager at BOSTONtec, your CTAs should be free of confusing language and should not reflect too much advertising. Here’s what she says

”Make sure that your CTAs are clear and concise. Don’t use confusing language or anything that could be misconstrued as spammy (even if it’s not!). You want people who visit your site to know exactly what they’ll get if they sign up for whatever it is you’re offering, so be explicit in your CTAs and don’t hide behind too many layers of marketing speak.”

Also, don’t forget to include a point on what benefit the visitors might get if they sign up. This means you should use CTAs that contain such information as it can certainly influence your visitor’s decision as to whether they should sign up or not.

Does Gated Content aid in Increasing User Registration?

Of course, it does! Put yourself in your visitor’s shoes and think of how you would feel if you just found the thing you have been looking for so long and all that stands between you and your aim is a mere signup page asking you to provide your email address. Is it too much to ask? No way!

Here’s what Kyle Crisp, the founder of Steve’s Guides, says about using gated content as a tool to increase user signups.

“Gated content can potentially be an effective way to increase signups for your website, as it requires users to provide their contact information in order to access the content. By requiring users to sign up in order to access certain content or resources, you can build a database of potential customers and generate leads for your business.”

From what he said, we can easily conclude that you must give a thought to how and what resources you are offering to your visitors. Because it should be worth it for your visitors to take the extra mile or else it’s all down the toilet.

Can Social Media Sites like Facebook help in increasing signups?

Countless sellers are leveraging the power of social media sites like Facebook to drive more engagement and create brand awareness. The same can be done for increasing user sign-ups. To begin with, you can easily launch promotional campaigns on Facebook targeting a particular chunk of the audience. You can provide them with benefits or something that piques their interest and encourages them to sign up to get more of that content. The ultimate motive should be to make social media users land on your page.

Facebook and other social media sites provide a large pool of potential customers. All you need is an effective plan and a mobile-friendly website and you are good to go.

I think that’s enough, isn’t it? Initially the entire process might feel cumbersome but you gotta wait for the results as they will definitely blow your mind. Anyways, I hope you found this article helpful. It is my constant endeavour to make every article as insightful as possible, keeping the best interests of my readers at heart.

Before leaving, do leave your thoughts in the comment section. All the best!

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