Podcast Vs Youtube


When it comes to content marketing, there are many different options to choose from. One of the most effective content marketing options nowadays is the Podcast. Today, we’re going to compare Podcasts to Videos. Many people are confused between the two and wonder which one is better. This article will walk you through the difference between podcasting and YouTube. We will also conduct a brief analysis of the two tools. 


What Benefits Does Podcasting Provide? 

Podcasting is a great way to share your knowledge through storytelling and interviews. Auditory storytelling may prove the most effective method for documenting and marketing your company’s growth. You don’t need a camera or video editing tools. All you need are great presentation skills, engaging guests, and a good microphone and recording software. 

What Can You Get from YouTube? 

A YouTube channel may be useful for any internet business, highlighting its strengths. Make good YouTube videos with engaging images and compelling music that buyers will associate with your company if you want to show them what you can do. 


1. CPM on YouTube vs. CPM on Podcasts

Podcasting has a higher CPM than YouTube, without a doubt. A mid-roll advertisement can earn you around $25 every 1,000 listens, whereas a pre-roll ad can earn you $18 per 1,000. Podcasting can pay anything from $18 to $50 per thousand listens, while YouTube can pay anywhere from $2 to $10. 

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2. SEO vs. Novelty 

YouTube is a search engine as every single day, millions of people search to discover content. Podcasts don’t work this way. They are in the iTunes store on Apple devices, Spotify, etc. Although they are SEO optimized, they are likely to receive less search engine traffic. Many people are shifting their focus to YouTube to watch individual speeches, and the concept of podcasts is losing popularity. 

3. Attention span and consumption habits 

The attention span of YouTube users is quite short (10 minutes or less). Unless they are exceptionally interesting or emotionally compelling, many videos will not acquire views over the 3-minute mark. Podcasts have slightly different consumption and attention span. Listeners, on average, remain for the majority of a program, which is typically 45 – 60 minutes long. 

4. Equipment required 

A simple smartphone camera and an inexpensive lapel microphone can film YouTube videos. It isn’t ideal, but it will suffice. 

When you’re recording talking videos, this is the fantastic camera that will give you a blurred background. Good equipment costs about $50-$1200. 

The equipment you’ll require to start a podcast is slightly different. This is entirely dependent on how you want to organize your performance. You’ll need to figure out how you’ll record several guests if you wish to have them on. A piece of good equipment costs about $50-$100. 


How Marko got into podcasting ?

Marko decided to purchase a nice camera and a whiteboard from Craigslist and begin filming videos in his living room one day. 

“You have to think how a human would search, as well as how an algorithm would look at your films,” Marko noted to get discovered on YouTube. 

When Marko uploads a video, he considers the title and description from these two perspectives. 

He is writing effective titles with clear keywords so that algorithms can understand and rank his material. 

I am adding something additional to make them “appealing” and encourage people to click on them. 

“How to Tie Your Shoes (the Best Shoe-Tying Technique Ever!)” was one of the examples he presented. It catches the term that people are likely to seek while also evoking curiosity. 

How Jonathan got into podcasting 

When Jonathan first started podcasting in 2017, search options were much more limited than they are now. It was impossible to find podcasts outside of Apple iTunes, and there was a lot of keyword stuffing going on. The important areas to focus on are the podcast title, author name, and episode titles. 

According to Jonathan, search visibility has improved significantly since Google launched Google Podcasts. 

“You get a really attractive search result that identifies you like a podcast,” Jonathan stated if you register with Google Podcasts and set up the necessary header code. Another distinction from YouTube is that Podcasts, as Jonathan pointed out, are story-driven. They aren’t often discovered through search and discovery like YouTube videos are. 

How to Keep YouTube and Podcast Viewers/Listeners 

  • YouTube Viewer Retention and Viral Growth 
  • Marko says that having a story and selling yourself is also important when crafting YouTube videos. 
  • “You catch them with fantastic stuff, but your personality keeps them there,” Marko explained. 
  • He claims that you can convey more of your personality through video than through audio. He’s been very deliberate about it, and it’s helped him expand his audience. 
  • There’s also the chance that a video will go viral, which rarely happens with podcasts. 



  • Bring in guests who your audience will enjoy and can relate to. 
  • Pose questions to your guests that your listeners will enjoy hearing. 
  • Create audio content regularly – listeners appreciate consistency. 
  • Correctly edit audio software – this is something that listeners expect. 
  • Learn how to promote podcast episodes and which sites are the most effective for distribution. 
  • Get a label that says “rights reserved.” 


  • Make a professional YouTube channel and show the world who you are. 
  • Make sure your hosts are charismatic and entertaining. 
  • People like to see professional editing on camera, so appropriately edit your YouTube video content. 
  • Make certain you understand how to sell YouTube videos and rank well in YouTube search results. 
  • Make connections with visitors and figure out business prices for their appearance. 


Podcasting’s Advantages 

1) It’s Easier to Make a Podcast Than It Is to Make a Video on YouTube. 

Producing podcast content is straightforward. Although recording takes time, you don’t need much equipment to get started. Even one podcast episode establishes a credible presence for your company. People that enjoy your podcasts will begin to form relationships with you. 

2) Podcasts provide listeners with a personal experience. 

A podcast is a personal approach to connecting with people and persuading them to like what you offer. The same confidence is not built through a website or blog postings. Your website, blog entries, and even social media content, on the other hand, should complement rather than replace your podcasts. 

3) Podcasts continue to be popular. 

Podcasts aren’t likely to fall out of style anytime soon. Tracking audience involvement can help you make money. Calculate the number of listens per episode using marketing data and earnings. You may also earn money by using affiliate links and commissions. 

YouTube’s Advantages 

1) It’s Easier to Make a Podcast Than It Is to Make a Video on YouTube 

YouTube videos are considerably more likely to be clicked than text-based links. A tale is told through video footage. Making the best online video show crams a lot of information into a little space. Because YouTube is a visual medium, it’s simple to persuade viewers to visit your website by including a link in your description. They’ll already be watching your video before moving on to the rest of your options. 

2) YouTube Attracts Content-Hungry Users 

Businesses join YouTube’s highly visited platform because they understand that customers are looking for material they can enjoy without committing to it. YouTube draws users looking for quick, entertaining material to fill their free time, whereas podcast services attract users looking for a series to binge-watch. 

3) Your Google Search Results Will Improve 

Google search rankings are boosted via YouTube video marketing. YouTube channels use cookies to save content and track daily surfing activities. Videos frequently appear in Google search phrases, making them simple to locate. 


Both platforms allow you to demonstrate and explain why your company is unique. They may all help your business expand while earning money through advertisements and affiliate commissions. 

The camera and sound separation is the most significant distinction between YouTube and Podcast. Both may perform well and produce excellent results, but it is entirely up to you which type you like to use. 

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