Product Description

Product or Brand Descriptions are an indispensable component of the present-day business world. It is quite abysmal that they are often underutilised or sometimes even overlooked. Today’s digital era calls for appealing and extraordinary product descriptions as there is ever-ending competition among businesses. 


It’s quite a burning question whether product descriptions can increase the sales or revenue of a business. Well, the answer is YES! Imagine if you are a customer, and you find a product image dull and unappealing. However, when you are reading the product description, the grasp that it has on you is so powerful that you immediately decide on buying that product. That’s how the product or brand descriptions work. 


Now, if you are one of those marketers who has to copy-paste factory specifications just because you lack the creativity to write a great product description, then I have got an amazing tool for you. Writecream has a host of AI-Powered tools that can fulfil different needs, such as writing a product description or creating a blog article. Well, I will be focusing on how you can use it to create an effective product/brand description.


Let’s learn how to use it!

💡 Generate personalized emails, blog articles, product descriptions, and ads in seconds using the power of A.I


Firstly, sign up for a free account on Writecream’s official page. Once you have created an account, you will land on the main dashboard. 

On the main dashboard, there are a number of tools to choose from, based on your use case. Scroll down and click on Brand/Product Descriptions. 

After clicking on it, you will be asked to enter your product or brand name. You will also have to enter a brief description of your brand or product. 


After having filled in all the details, click on ‘Generate’. And you are done! The tool automatically generates several descriptions of your product. 


Here are a few descriptions I generated using the same tool. I entered the product as ‘Classmate’s Recycled Notebooks’. 


  • Classmate’s Recycled Notebooks are the finest quality notebooks ever made using recycled paper. They are cheap so that poor and underprivileged children can purchase them easily. It’s our mission to provide notebooks to students that are as beautiful as they are functional.

  • Classmate is a brand that offers notebooks made from recycled paper. We believe that every child should have access to notebooks that do not cost a lot of money. We want to help the underprivileged children of the world to be able to purchase these notebooks, which are often too expensive for them to buy.


These descriptions are quite relevant and don’t fail to persuade the targeted audience, that is, the under-privileged students. Besides, they are holistic because every little detail has been encompassed and are easy to comprehend.


Ergo, Writecream can help you generate simple but flawless descriptions with minimum effort. Do try it out!

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