We are currently witnessing a new technological revolution with AI writing assistants. AI writing assistants are tools that use artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology to help you create content faster and more accurately. They are designed to mimic how humans write, but they generate unique content and copy tailored to your needs. AI writing assistants can be used for a wide range of purposes, from short-form content such as blog posts and product descriptions to longer-form pieces like articles and sales pages.

There are several AI chatbots or AI writing assistants to choose from. One of the most popular ones is Chinchilla. But apart from that, there are various other options for you to choose from.

This blog guides you through the various options available at your fingertips and also shows you to choose from the best.

What is Chinchilla?

Chinchilla AI is a platform from DeepMind designed to enable businesses to create and release AI-powered applications, enhancing digital product functionality. It is widely regarded as the GPT-3 killer and is a compute-optimal model with 70 billion parameters and four times as much data as Gopher. The model has an average accuracy of 67.5% on the MMLU benchmark, 7% higher than Gopher’s performance. This improved accuracy is achieved with fewer parameters and less computing power for inference and fine-tuning. Chinchilla AI is not yet available to the public, but it is expected to be released in the coming months. When released, it will help develop various AI tools such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and predictive models.

💡 Generate personalized emails, blog articles, product descriptions, and ads in seconds using the power of A.I

One more point that makes Chinchilla a better performer is the scientists have used a fixed and comparatively fixed model size as it helps in better utilization of the resources rather than getting into the expansion of the models to get better results. 

Pros and Cons of Chinchilla AI


  • Chinchilla AI has outperformed its competitors. And this has opened new doors for creating better technologies and lots of further research. 
  • Chinchilla AI can process large amounts of data quickly and accurately. This makes it an excellent choice for work that requires a lot of data analysis.
  • Chinchilla AI, capable of processing large amounts of data quickly, can be used for services like analyzing customer feedback or predicting market trends. 
  • Another plus point of Chinchilla AI is its ability to learn and adapt. It is very much capable of learning on its own. Chinchilla AI can learn and improve on its own. This means that it can take on new tasks and get better at them over time without the need for constant human intervention.


  • One of the drawbacks of Chinchilla AI is it involves high cost. The technology and research working in this field require a lot of money. That will not be possible for everyone.
  • Chinchilla is still not available to the public. The everyday person cannot take advantage of all its features and vast possibilities.
  • The Chinchilla model demonstrates the risk of failure if the model is just optimized in terms of the parameter count. Instead, new models are better off when the budget, model size, and training tokens are optimized together.
  • Another drawback of Chinchilla AI is toxic speech. It is not able to remove all toxic speech. Its model training is unlikely to resolve the toxic speech issue faced by the NLP models. We need other alternatives.

1. ChatGenie

Topping the list is Writecream’s ChatGenie, an AI-powered chatbot that provides users with fast and accurate answers to their queries. With its natural language processing (NLP) capabilities and deep learning algorithms, ChatGenie can provide intelligent and personalized responses. Furthermore, its advanced algorithms allow it to analyze customer data and draw insightful conclusions. This makes it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to optimize their customer service processes and improve customer experience. Additionally, its user-friendly design makes it easy to access information from anywhere at any time. All these features make ChatGenie an essential tool for businesses looking to increase their productivity while reducing costs.

ChatGenie is available for a one-time price of $59 and includes:

  • Two hundred credits per month (approximately 400,000 characters).
  • Access to 40+ tools and all upcoming features.
  • Mobile app and web browser compatibility.

Additionally, it includes features such as rewriting and story writing, which are not available with traditional chatbots.

2. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot launched by OpenAI in November 2020. It uses the GPT-3.5 language technology and is trained on a massive amount of text data from various sources. It boasts a dialogue format allowing users to provide simple and complex instructions that ChatGPT is trained to follow. Some of its features include answering follow-up questions, challenging incorrect premises, rejecting inappropriate queries, and even admitting when it made a mistake. ChatGPT is free to use and has reached the one million users mark in less than a week. Some of the limitations of ChatGPT include a knowledge base that ends in 2021, a tendency to produce incorrect answers, constant use of the exact phrases, and, when given one version of a question, the bot claims it cannot answer it. Still, when given a slightly tweaked version, it answers it just fine.

ChatGPT is free to use and has reached the one million users mark in less than a week. Some of its features include answering follow-up questions, challenging incorrect premises, rejecting inappropriate queries, and even admitting when it made a mistake. Additionally, ChatGPT is available for mobile and web usage and offers features such as rewriting and story writing, which are not available with traditional chatbots. There are no charges associated with using ChatGPT.

3. ChatSonic

Chatsonic is an AI-powered assistant created by Writesonic, which allows users to create text and images using voice commands. It provides hyper-relevant content on any topic generated using Google search and AI. Additionally, it can generate stunning digital artwork and images via chat using the Writesonic platform, making it an excellent tool for creating digital marketing assets. Its key features include integrating with Google search to create content with the latest information, voice commands, real-time topics, digital artwork, and generating content for social media, websites, reviews, and more.

ChatSonic has an affordable and fully customizable pricing model. First, you will get a good idea of how great the tool is by using the free trial. The free trial for Chatsonic AI is restricted to 2,500 words. Once you are happy with the results, you can upgrade to one of the two monthly plans: Long-Form: Generate up to 47,500 terms for $12.67 per month; or Business Plan: Generate up to 500,000 words for $99.99 per month.

4. Jasper Chat

Jasper Chat is a new way to interact with AI in Jasper using natural language. It uses natural language that allows users to request a variety of tasks. These might include “Writing a blog post on…”, “Creating ad…”, “Generating content for social media, websites, reviews, and more.” Jasper Chat also offers a range of features that make it a powerful AI writing assistant. It can understand natural language, allowing you to ask questions and get answers quickly. Additionally, it can look back to prior parts of the conversation and build upon those answers with additional nudging. Jasper Chat is available in Boss Mode, Business, and Unlimited plans and is free to use.

Jasper Chat offers a range of features that make it a powerful AI writing assistant. It can understand natural language, allowing you to ask questions and get answers quickly. Additionally, it can look back to prior parts of the conversation and build upon those answers with additional nudging. Jasper Chat also offers an image generator and the ability to create digital artwork and content for social media, websites, reviews, and more. Additionally, it is integrated with Google search to provide the latest information on any given topic.

5. YouChat

YouChat is an AI chatbot that has some activities to keep you engaged. These include games like Would You Rather, Truth or Lie, roleplaying, riddles, mind reading, and more. It is powered by AI and natural language processing that is said to offer human-like conversations with it. YouChat also has similar capabilities to ChatGPT but comes with advanced AI. The search engine tool allows users to do basic online searches just like Google but more conversationally. YouChat can also provide citations for its answers and knowledge about recent events. However, it does have some limitations, such as giving incorrect facts and outdated images. YouChat is currently free to use.


AI writing assistants are gaining fast popularity. They may be in their baby steps of development now, but they bring promising potential. Surely they won’t replace human beings; they can only help humans increase their workflow and get more creative. But with the number of uses they provide us with, they will surely bring about a change in the technological circle. 

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