If you are looking to switch platforms for your content, you’re looking at the right place. Sometimes, people start off with easy to use websites or platforms in order to start posting their blog and after gaining enough knowledge experience, they tend to shift platforms in order to generate revenue.

What is Website Migration?

Website Migration can be described as a standard procedure that people use to create substantial changes in their website. It can be platforms, content, location of the website, and so on.

Why is the site migration process required?

Well, it is not a mandatory change required for your field. But if you feel that your business requires more sales, marketing and structure, then,  a site migration project might be what you need.

It will help you recover from the loss of rankings and generate from traffic. With regards to technical seo, you can repeat some of the techniques you applied with your old page and it wouldn’t affect ranking since there will be no connection between the old and new page.

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Even though it’s a risky step, it can redirect your business around within 3-4 months. All you need to do is take your time before site migration and analyze all the steps to be taken and then, you can migrate and launch your new site.

How to carry out a Website Migration Process (with Template)?

1. Your objectives: Be very clear about what you want to achieve with this. That way, you can plan and prepare accordingly. Do not carry out a site migration for only one or two reasons. For example, if you just want to generate more traffic, instead of completely altering the platform, try SEO, paid ads, sponsorships and organic traffic generation. But if you need to redirect every aspect of your website (content, search engine, structure, ranking, etc), then you can go ahead with a  successful website migration.

2. Planning and Preparation: Before site migration, you need to take a lot of time before you launch. And if that takes a few months, so be it. You should not rush the process. Create a website migration checklist because it requires a lot of attention, whether it’s content editing, web design, creating a new url structure, search engine optimization, and so on. For each category, assign a person or a team. Each and every aspect should be monitored, such as, google search console, xml sitemap, robots.txt, google analytics, wordpress, site structure, broken links and so on.That way, before the launch, everything can fall into place.

3. Testing: Before launching your site, you need to run tests. This means that you need to make sure all requirements have been met and for that you need professionals. Assign an experienced team for this purpose. They would be required to check SEO, prototypes, information, value and so on.

4. Launch: The initial phase of the launch of a new website can be tricky. There might be a few errors on the site while transitioning from the old site to the new site. To rectify this, you should use a 503 service or a 301 redirect that would let people know that the site is only temporarily unavailable and will start working shortly. That way, people redirect to the site.

5. Reviews: The first month will be tricky. However, keep a track of the statistics and analytics. When reviews start to come in, focus on details given by the audience and try to better your performance. Meanwhile, you can also research on other websites similar to yours, to see what they do to improve their statistics.

6. Performance: The only way to know whether the site migration has worked or not is to wait. If you’re a large company, you might need to wait for a few months in order to deduce your performance. If you’re a small business, you will start seeing results (positive or negative) within a few weeks. Accordingly, you can proceed with content planning, auditing, marketing and so on.

Following these steps precisely will help you make a smooth site migration to redirect your business. Try to be very careful in each area before the launch. To help you out, our team has created a sample template. Click here to access it.

That’s all for now. We hope you enjoyed our blog post on how to successfully carry out a website migration. It’s a lot of work, yes, but if you take the right steps, you can do it successfully and without any hassle.

Before leaving, share your thoughts with us in the comment section. We would love to hear from you!


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