Content marketers are on the verge of becoming AI-first thanks to artificial intelligence. Content is about to be transformed by artificial intelligence. Is your company AI-ready? Any savvy marketer today will explain how artificial intelligence is being implemented throughout the client lifecycle. Whether it’s AI-generated content or predictive analytics, AI is being used to reach, convert, and engage customers in some way.

There’s a decent possibility artificial intelligence (AI) can assist you improve whatever content you publish or what stories your brand tells. Despite the hype, artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful force in marketing. It’s also affecting how brands generate and distribute content. One of the most common ways we’ve seen marketers use AI to boost revenue and cut expenses is in content marketing. AI is a broad word that encompasses a wide range of technology. These machines employ similar concepts to do various cognitive tasks as well as or better than humans.

With more companies and startups joining the AI industry, selecting the right product for oneself is becoming increasingly complicated. Writecream and ClosersCopy are two such artificial intelligence tools. This blog post will look at the advantages and drawbacks of both products using quantitative and qualitative metrics to help you decide which is better for you.


ClosersCopy is a copywriting software with a large library of templates that can be used to create content for a website or company. Beginner and experienced copywriters alike can use this service to write content for Facebook ads, Google ads, and sales letters, among other things.

💡 Generate personalized emails, blog articles, product descriptions, and ads in seconds using the power of A.I

To create the perfect ad copy, website content, blog entries, and landing page copy, you can choose from a choice of Workflows and Frameworks (templates). You can save money by spending less time developing content and more time promoting your items with this tool. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas for what to write or your budget won’t allow you to engage a freelance copywriter, this ai-powered tool can help. It can help you raise conversion rates and traffic without the expense of hiring a professional copywriter.


ClosersCopy is a SaaS platform that allows you to generate endless various sales funnel templates in under 10 minutes (with the Unlimited account). The options are limitless. There are no limits, filters, or restrictions with ClosersCopy.

Using almost 30 different sales frameworks allow artificial intelligence to transform your chats into offers! SalesAI, BlogAI, and StoryAI are the three AI models that ClosersCopy presently offers. All of them are really handy in the right scenario and may be switched from the editor at any time.

  1. Frameworks: There are over 300 frameworks available to assist you in creating an overview, a social media post, a YouTube description, or even an advertisement. You only need to type a few words into the text area.
  2. Drag and Drop: This site features the most user-friendly builders when compared to other copywriting tools. ClosersCopy has a user-friendly drag-and-drop copy creator. This enables you to drag and drop objects onto the copy, making writing easier. Users can mix and match headlines before dragging and dropping them into their sales pitch. It can generate a tone that your audience can relate to because it covers a wide range of topics. It will then produce copy ideas based on the data you provide. They might not be ideal, though. However, you can pick one that you like and make some changes to make it read better.
  3. Workflows: There are around 30 different ways to develop marketing text using Workflow stages. With a single click of a button, you may assess the quality of your generated content.
  4. Copy Wizard: Many people enjoy this website because of the setup wizard. It provides consumers with both advice and suggestions. When you’re writing copy, this platform provides you with various suggestions for words to use, how to format your content, and so on. It also identifies any errors you make, so you’ll know where areas of your writing need to be improved. This copy wizard also walks you through using the site and its features, making it simple for newbies.
  5. 18000+ Examples: You might be perplexed as to what to write or how to use this service at times. Thankfully, the company provides a number of examples from which you can get ideas and inspiration. There are over 18000 copy samples for Facebook and Google in the database. This not only saves you time but also helps you be more creative.
  6. Sentence Content Analysis: This tool aids in the breakdown of long sentences into shorter ones. As a result, you can discover which sentences are easily understood by your audience. ClosersCopy also contains keyword analysis, which allows you to examine and properly disperse keywords across your text.
  7. Copy Spam Analysis: Deliverability is a continuing problem in marketing, particularly email marketing. ClosersCopy, thankfully, assists people in determining whether their text will be considered spam. It accomplishes so by analysing your tone as well as some “risk” terms like “earn money,” which are highlighted by email providers like Yahoo and Google.
  8. Megathron: Megathron is the most recent and most recent addition to the software. Basically, if you’re going to write extensive content pieces like Jarvis does, you’re going to enjoy Closescopy’s Megathron.

You can access this functionality by opening your MEGATRON interface from your toolbar. It’s a “Compose” tool that allows you to outline and write copy depending on what’s hot right now. This is accomplished by collecting data from search engines.

Simply input your search term and MEGATRON will conduct the necessary investigation. This innovative AI generates 5-20 headlines and hundreds of subheadings for you to choose from. Then, by eliminating the headings you don’t like and expanding the ones you do, you may outline your material. It can write up to 500 characters each heading and 3,000 characters in a single run once you press “Compose.”


Writecream is another AI-powered platform that writers and content marketers use in their content market strategy to solve all of their writing challenges, such as creating customised introductions and messages for Cold Emails, LinkedIn Outreach, producing blog ideas, website copy, social media material, and more. This tool can potentially boost your productivity by generating top notch content in bulk, in a matter of seconds. Writecream is a newcomer to the digital industry that is doing exceptionally well. Because of its unique characteristics, accessibility, and affordability, it has grown in popularity in a relatively short period of time.


  1. User Interface: Writecream has an excellent user interface. This tool is quite easy to use. When you create a free Writecream account, your main dashboard will display. The dashboard lists all of the potential use cases, and users can pick and choose from them.
  2. A wide range of use cases: Writecream provides its users with at least 30 different use cases to help them write content for cold emails, LinkedIn outreach, backlink campaigns, social media content, digital ad copy, articles and blog posts, and audio and video scripts, among other things.
  3. Personalized features: Emails, image icebreakers, product reviewers, and other personalised features are available through Writecream. Clients are utilising these features to significantly increase their sales!
  4. Language Selection: Writecream has no language barriers. Clients can use Writecream to produce content in more than 75 languages and select from a wide range of languages for text, graphic, and audio outputs.
  5. 30+ Tone Options: Writecream provides its customers with a variety of writing tones, ranging from a casual tone to a forceful tone essential for professional dealings.
  6. Money-back Guarantee: Within 30 days of subscribing to any of the programmes, Writecream gives a no-questions-asked refund. A refund request can be made through their live chat or via email.
  7. Plagiarism-Free Writing: Writecream creates content that is 100 percent original, with excellent punctuation and spelling. When you click the generate button, the AI-powered tool creates a unique piece of content.
  8. Workspace Management: Writecream allows you to keep all of your work in one spot. It has a function that allows you to manage your work history and access it at any time.
  9. Live Chat and Support: When you first visit Writecream’s website, you’ll see a live chat and support option in the bottom right corner, which is available even if you aren’t logged in.
  10. AI Article Writer: Create long-form content in minutes, such as articles and video scripts. It takes less than 30 minutes for WriteCream to write a 1000-word article.
  11. Facebook and Google ads: With the stroke of a button, create ad copies for Facebook and Google by simply entering your company name and a brief description and letting Writecream’s AI technology do the rest!
  12. Content for Social Media: You can use Writecream’s Social Media Engine to do everything from brainstorming ideas for social media posts to writing their content.
  13. Backlinks, LinkedIn InMails, and Cold Emails: Users can create personalised introductions for cold outreach campaigns using these capabilities, which include cold emails, LinkedIn InMails & connection requests, and backlinks.
  14. Icebreakers with images and sound: With visual and human-sounding icebreakers created exclusively for your prospect, you can raise your personalisation game.
  15. YouTube Voice-over and Podcast: Only on Writecream, turn any blog post into a human-sounding podcast or voice-over for a YouTube video with 40+ voices and multi-lingual support.

Extra features:

  1. Custom Pricing Plan: Writecream is a very affordable platform with a variety of plans to suit the demands of different customers. It has also provided an ability to build a custom pricing plan, where consumers can write to them about their idea in addition to the normal plans.
  2. Human Voice-Over: Writecream’s Human Voice tool allows users to convert their blog articles to a YouTube video, podcast, or voice-over.
  3. Copywriting Formulas: Despite being in its early stages, Writecream has made significant progress. It also includes copywriting formulas built into its system. The Before-After-Bridge and Pain-Agitate-Solution are two scientific formulas used in its copywriting tools.
  4. Video Tutorials: For each feature and use situation, Writecream provides video tutorials. This allows clients to become familiar with the features without having to spend a lot of time navigating.
  5. Image-Based Icebreaker: Image icebreakers is a fantastic tool offered by Writecream. These are AI-generated personalised visuals that are used for cold outreach. This technology is becoming increasingly popular among entrepreneurs and marketers. Customers use it frequently to create premium photos with high-quality content. This feature is currently unavailable in ClosersCopy. Text can be personalised, but images cannot.


6. Voice-over Tool: Writecream’s clients have access to another exclusive function called “Voiceover Tool.” It uses artificial intelligence to transform text to speech. You can select any of the 75+ languages offered. You can also select a voice gender. Another option is to set your voice-speed over’s and optimization. Here’s an example of a video whose voiceover was created using WriteCream.

A professional quality text-to-speech output is ready in a matter of seconds. A similar tool is not available on ClosersCopy

  1. Writecream’s Backlink Assist: Backlink Assist tool assists in the creation of a tailored backlink outreach introduction. Simply enter the blog article URL and click the produce button to create your personalised message for your outreach campaigns!
  2. Youtube Voiceover & Podcast: Turn any blog article into a human-sounding podcast or voice-over for a YouTube video using YouTube Voice-over and Podcast. There are over 40 voices available, with multilingual support.

In the above comparison, we can see that Writecream has a far larger number of features than ClosersCopy. This is a major thing that distinguishes Writecream from its competitors. In the field of content marketing, Writecream has some features that no other AI platform has ever had. Human voice-over tool, podcast generator, and image and audio icebreakers are among the most unusual features! Because of its uniqueness, it has become everyone’s favourite in a short time.

Blog Introduction Feature:


Here’s the output generated using ClosersCopy for the topic “Starting an online business in a shoestring budget”

  1. If you are looking for some inspiration for starting an online business, then this blog might be the one for you. Here you will learn all about how to start your own online store and earn money online.
  2. Learn how to start an online business on a shoestring budget. We’ll teach you the basics of ecommerce, SEO, SEM, content marketing, and much more.
  3. A blog is a great way to start an online business on a shoestring budget. Whether you want to sell products, services or information, a blog can be a cost-effective way to get started. Here are some of the best ways to start a blog for free.


Here’s the output generated using WriteCream for the topic “Starting an online business in a shoestring budget”

  1. One of the biggest challenges of starting a business is budgeting When you’re operating out of a shoestring budget, you need to consider how everything is going to be done. Fortunately, online business schools are one of the many exciting things you can do with little startup cash. This blog post will give you some advice on how to get started with an online business school in a shoestring budget.
  2. Putting anything on the internet these days is a smart idea. Not only are people flocking online to find what they need, but more and more people are starting to build businesses using the internet. If you are someone who is thinking about starting an online business school, this blog is for you. It will give you a brief overview of how you can do it without spending a lot of money.
  3. Whether you are planning on creating your own online business school or you’re just learning about the benefits associated with this type of business-you’ll probably be looking for some pointers. Showing your students the ropes might be a bit tricky without the funding, but with a little creativity it’s definitely possible to start an online business school.
  4. There is a lot of debate on how to best plan a budget when starting an online business school. Should it be a huge budget? Or should be try to keep it on the low side? have seen things go both ways. In this blog, we are going to look at how to best allocate your budget when starting an online business school.


ClosersCopy’s outputs are inadequate and unsatisfactory in comparison to WriteCream’s outputs. Incomplete sentences and and abrupt endings are readily apparent in ClosersCopy. Writecream, on the other hand, provided original intros that will attract the readers’ attention and make them believe you done some thorough research before writing the blog content.  Writecream has also provided more information regarding Online Business School in a Budget in the opening few lines, which attracts readers’ attention! The results are free of plagiarism and properly aligned with grammatical requirements, unlike ClosersCopy.

Reviews Comparison (Average Rating on G2, Trustpilot, Capterra)


ClosersCopy has no reviews on Capterra. However it has got 4 reviews on G2  where it has got 4 stars and on Trustpilot it has got 2.3/5 based on 24 reviews.

  • G2

  • Trustpilot



Writecream has a whopping 4.8+ rating from its users worldwide. Here are the average ratings of Writecream on some other popular review websites.

  • Trustpilot

  • G2

  • Capterra



ClosersCopy currently offers three monthly subscription rates. Each plan offers different perks based on the number of runs you will receive. You can visit their website to get the plan that best meets your needs. There’s no free trial benefits available, unlike WriteCream.

  1. Power: $49.99/monthly
  • 300 AI Runs / month
  • 50 SEO Audits / month
  • Limited Updates
  • 2 seats (you + 1 team member)
  • SEO Audit
  • SEO Planner
  • Longform
  • Other Benefits
  1. Superpower: $79.99/monthly
  • Unlimited AI Writing
  • Unlimited SEO Audits
  • Unlimited Updates
  • 3 seats (you + 2 team members)
  • SEO Audit
  • SEO Planner
  • Longform
  • Other Benefits
  1. Superpower Squad: $99.99/monthly
  • Unlimited AI Writing
  • Unlimited SEO Audits
  • Unlimited Updates
  • 5 seats (you + 4 team members)
  • SEO Audit
  • SEO Planner
  • Longform


  • Free Plan: Writecream’s free plan includes all of its features as well as 20 credits and 40,000 characters. It also gives users access to the latest features as well as live chat and email assistance.
  • Standard Plan: This plan costs $49 per month and includes 200 credits and a character limit of 400,000. It also grants access to the AI Copywriter community and increases the amount of outputs generated for picture icebreakers, long-form articles, podcasts, and other purposes to 20.
  • Extended Plan: This plan comes with 750 credits and a character limit of 1,500,000. It also increases the number of image icebreakers, blog pieces, and podcasts generated from 200 to 750. It also comes with all of the previous plans’ services, such as chat and email assistance, as well as access to the AI Copywriter’s community. This plan is best for marketing agencies whose main source of revenue is content and email marketing. It just costs $69 per month. It gives you unrestricted access to all of Writecream’s tools, as well as live chat and email assistance.
  • Custom Plan: Users can specify their requirements in this plan, and Writecream will create a custom price plan for them. Business executives, marketing companies, and digital marketers will benefit from this. It provides user-defined credits and raises the production limit, whether it’s long blog posts, podcasts, or YouTube voiceovers. This plan is priced based on the needs of the user.


WriteCream has come up with limited offer at $29/month where you have unlimited credits and accessibility to all features, apart from the email and LinkedIn icebreakers that are limited to 1,000 per month, at only $29 dollars per month.  

People who do not own a business but use AI tools to generate articles, voiceovers, or podcasts for school or work can utilise the website as an open-source platform. Unlike CloserCopy , Writecream’s credit system provides many possibilities.  Writecream includes credits for podcasts, voiceovers, icebreakers, and a long-form editor in one membership, and we are confident that you will enjoy Writecream for every penny you spend on it.

Reference Tutorials

Both ClosersCopy and Writecream have tutorials available to help users learn about the features and use cases. This allows users to save time that might otherwise be spent investigating the tools.

1.       ClosersCopy

On opening the ClosersCopy website, you will find the “Course” button on top. Click on it and you’ll be taken to a page with “Table of Content” for various tutorials, of every feature. Aside from that, you may check out their YouTube page for some videos on how to use specific products.

2.       WriteCream

To access the tutorials, you can go to the WriteCream’s website and look for the ‘Tutorials’ section in the upper right corner. It leads you straight to the YouTube channel where the tutorials are posted. Aside from tutorials, Writecream features a blog section where you may find articles on specific tools!

Writecream’s customer service is excellent and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can use ChatBot on their website to submit any complaints or issues you have. Writecream customer service usually responds within a few minutes with a solution.

On the homepage, there are some tutorials for its most popular services, such as Cold Emails, Backlink Outreach, and LinkedIn Inmails.

Verdict: Which one should you go for?

Both tools have advantages and disadvantages. But you should choose the one that proves to be more useful and therefore increases your productivity and thus profits!

Writecream is a one-of-a-kind content marketing solution that is not only simple to use, but also comes with advanced AI, which allows for on-demand content generation. With each piece of content it creates, the AI learns and improves, making it an useful tool for marketers who are always seeking for new ways to improve their content. The prices are reasonable for all budgets, and no credit card is required. WriteCream offers you excellent quality output that is free of plagiarism. The best part is you get all of this for free in the Free Trial plan!

ClosersCopy has several fantastic features as well, but Writecream’s cost effectiveness and output quality gives it the upper hand! It’s all about tailored content and an enjoyable personalized experience! The output of WriteCream is far superior with comparatively lesser price.

The best part about Writecream is that, while being a newcomer to the market, it offers some unique features like as personalised image icebreakers, audio icebreakers, and a voice-over tool!


WriteCream and ClosersCopy are two excellent tools, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Writecream, however, is the best in terms of output quality. It has also been well received by the digital publishing community. It’s a new tool, but users have already taken to it. It recognizes the user and provides content that is appropriate for their brand and specialty. Writecream creates personalized content that is suitable for marketing initiatives. Writecream’s AI servers generate content that helps your brand stand out from the crowd, and it does so flawlessly!

Make use of the Limited Offer and check it out today! And don’t forget to write to us.

Join Writecream for FREE!

In just a few clicks and under 30 seconds, generate cold emails, blog articles, LinkedIn messages, YouTube videos, and more. 

It's free, forever!