Q1. Please introduce yourself and your business/brand/product.


I’m Tesle Telan, I am a Copywriter & Social Media Specialist focusing on Content Marketing. I have my signature offer called Sales Page Magic where I write compelling sales page copy for female coaches that help attract and entice their ideal customers into purchasing their high ticket program.


Q2. Who is the ideal customer for your product?


The ideal customers for my product are ambitious, high-achieving female coaches in the business, success, mindset, and marketing coaching industry who are in need of flawless sales page copy that helps convert their one-time click audience to paying in full clients. 

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Q3. What are your primary sales channels? Please separately highlight the ones that have proven to be most successful and most cost-effective.


My primary sales channels are Instagram and Facebook. Most of my inquiries for my copywriting clients come from Facebook. Mainly from my friends’ list. A huge chunk of my monthly revenue comes from my Facebook audience – which is great as I never pay for ads or extra marketing costs.


Q4. Have you tried using cold outreach to get more clients for your business? If yes, what’s been your success rate?


Yes, I have. I would say it was not as effective as I’d hoped. People normally buy from someone they trust especially for offers with high-ticket pricing. So building a relationship with each lead is more vital and more effective. 


Q5. What was your biggest challenge in sales and how did you overcome it?


Closing a sale was a challenge for me during the beginning stages of my business. There were a lot of mindset blocks that kept me from confidently closing a sale. One of them is imposter syndrome, thinking that I couldn’t do it. Or I wasn’t qualified. But I learned to work through all my limiting beliefs with the help of mentors.


Q6. Over time, some users may stop using your product or they may cancel their subscription. Have you implemented any strategies to win back such customers?


I am a take it or leave it type of entrepreneur. But I also believe in the power of customer feedback so I look at data and see what we could tweak to keep our customers and take care of them through customer support.



Q7. Imagine you are speaking to a younger version of yourself who is just starting out. They have $1000 to spend on sales and marketing. How would you advise them to spend it?


I would say find a Virtual Assistant who can help you take on tasks that you can delegate. This will save you so much time that you can spend on scaling and developing your offers.

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