Coaching Email Templates

Coaching emails are emails that professional coaches send to their clients. They tend to be very insightful, and often enlightening. These coaches often send these emails every two weeks, and only use them to engage with their clients. 

Coaching emails can offer powerful insight. They are a great way to get the information you crave in a short amount of time, especially if you’re starting a coaching business. Coaching emails are a great way to get in touch with the right people in the right time frame. They help in building trust between coaching partners. They are also a terrific way to build your community, provide your clients with consistent content, and create quality credibility. 

Yet, the best coaching emails are the ones that are well-concealed. Some of the best coaching emails are the ones that the sales people don’t want to share with their team.

But guess what? 

💡 Generate personalized emails, blog articles, product descriptions, and ads in seconds using the power of A.I

We are here with some of the most sought-after email templates that can soar your sales tremendously! 

Keep reading further to know the sales secret that will definitely help you in 2023!

Why Coaching Email Like a Pro is Important? 

Ever had a pen pal? Well, having a pen pal is a lot of fun but a pen pal who is entirely inclined towards you and focuses on your expectations is pretty awesome, right? 

The same is the process of Coaching Emails. It involves someone synonymous with a pen pal but they are all about you and your expectations. These people are also experts in what they write to you, so having a good email coach is very helpful. 

But, besides HAVING an Email Coach, there are some folks that want to get Email Coaching clients but they don’t know the process of the same. If you are one of them, then this blog is for you. We will share some useful tips and tricks along with some email coaching templates that pros don’t want to share with you, for you. 

We know that it is quite unnerving when no leads come your way even when you spend too much time creating your best content. In such scenarios, having someone to guide you through the process of email coaching, how and when to use some particular templates, how to tweak the templates before sending, etc would be like a blessing in disguise.  

Email marketing is nowadays a booming industry that connects the Coaches with possible business clients and leads. Showing the customers that you care, keeping in touch with them using email coaching can increase your business exponentially if it is done right. But doing it right is something that can be very hard to figure out. Knowing what to actually write in these emails will prove to be a quantum leap in your sales and lead you to many possible clients.  

We will talk about six client check-in templates in this blog that will guide you through the process of following up with a client before their session, checking in with old clients, rebuilding connections, etc. these templates are majorly made for nutritionists, personal trainers, health coaches, and wellness coaches but you can always tweak the email before hitting that send button. You just need to swap some keywords like ‘Gym’ to ‘Office’ or whatever suits you and your approach.  

Best Coaching Email Templates To Connect with the Clients Base 

1. Post-First Interaction

Contacting the client right after your first session with them is a great idea as the memory of your interaction is fresh in their minds and knowing about their impression is easier. You can also stir them up by visiting again.

Post-First Interaction 

Some templates that will help in the same are: 

Example 1: Email

Subject Line: (Name of the client), rate your experience with the first session. 

Email body: 

Hi (client’s name) 

How did you enjoy your first session with us? We hope you are feeling charged up after your first session with (gym/Trainer’s name).  

We hope to see you again in the next session, which will be double the fun. We are together on this awesome journey to becoming fit. Please don’t be shy and send in your feedback, we would love to hear you out and help you with any difficulties you face down the road. 


Example #2: Text Message 

Hey there! Hope you are stretching away all the tension from the first session with (name of the trainer/ gym). We are just checking in to see if you enjoyed the session or not? We loved having you with us and can’t wait to see you again in the next session. Please send in your suggestions and feedback, we love to hear them!

2. Pre-Interaction Preparation

By interacting with the clients before their first session you can encourage and remind them to come. This will impact your sales as some people tend to forget about joining the first/ trial session and that way, you might possibly lose some clients. This way you can make sure they are joining you and enjoying the experience.

Pre-Interaction Preparation

Here is what you can write: 

Example #1: Email 

Subject line: We can’t wait to see you, (client’s name) 

Email body: 

Hey there, (Client’s first name). 

Thank you so much for supporting our homegrown brand, we are excited to have you on board with us! Your first session with (Name of the trainer/company) is scheduled for (Day/Date with time) and we are enthralled to see you. 

Also, we appreciate your first step towards a healthy and fit life. It takes time and courage to take a step towards your goals and fitness, and we are so proud that you took that step in the right direction by choosing (Name of the company/Gym). You get plenty of perks now that you are a part of our family. We will take care of you and your health in the best way now! 

Make sure you get that good night’s sleep and do not forget to stay hydrated. Hoping to see you soon. 

Let’s kill it! 



Example #2: Text message 

Ring ring! It’s your trainer calling! He is very excited to see you and kickstart your journey towards good health with (name of the company). We would like to remind you that your first session is scheduled for (Day/Date with time). Stay hydrated and sleep tight, we will take care of the rest. See you soon! 

3. When the Client Skips the Meet

When the Client Skips Meet

There will be times when your clients will skip the sessions without giving you a proper heads up. In such situations, you need to write an email to the clients encouraging them to join you next time. The template for the same is: 

Example # 1: Email 

Subject line: Your trainer misses you! 

Email body: 

Hi (First name of the client), we missed you at your session today. We were waiting for you, thinking about all the awesome ways we planned to help you.  

It is okay to have one down day, though. But we hope that you will rise back stronger tomorrow and embark upon your journey towards your fitness and your health goals. You can contact us by dropping an email to (email) anytime or you can call us at (contact number), we are always happy to help. 

If you need help with rescheduling or you have doubts about your membership, please feel free to reach out. Let’s do this together! Hoping to see you in the next session! 



Example 2: Text Message 

Hey there, (client’s first name). We hope you are well. We missed you at your session with (name of the trainer) today. If there is any problem you face regarding your membership or the schedule, please feel free to reach out to us! We don’t wanna lose an awesome trainee like you :( 

Let’s get back to the gym and start hustling ASAP. 

4. Follow-Up in Case the Purchase is Not Made

Follow-Up in Case the Purchase is Not Made


You will face a situation where many prospects might not make the purchase after the first consultation. But, it does not mean that you have lost them. You can follow up by writing an email as a reminder. Here’s the template: 

Example #1: Email 

Subject line: You went away so quickly, (Client’s first name) 

Email body: 

Hi (Client’s first name), 

We saw you noticing us. We are sad that you did not sign up for the personal training session/gym membership after the consultation. Was it something we said? We would like to make it up for you! 

We know that choosing a gym/ trainer for your fitness goals is a hard task and it takes a while before you decide on someone. You did the right thing when you reached out to us as here at (company name/gym name/ trainer’s name) we make sure that we provide the best trainers to our clients as per their personal needs. We 100% commit that we would never do anything to disappoint you as we know how hard it is to start your fitness journey, and we are always here with you. 

There is also a 10% waiver, especially for you, if you sign up for us today. We can not wait to start this with you. If you have any doubts regarding anything, please feel free to contact us. 

Hoping to see you soon. 

Let’s kill it! 



Example #2: Text message 

We are ready to welcome you with open arms, (first name of the client). We loved having you for the consultation and touring session, and we are ready to start our journey with you. Your trainer, (name of the trainer) can not wait for you to sign up for us. We know that committing to fitness goals is a little overwhelming, that is why we are willing to offer you a 10% waiver on the sign-up fees to make it easier for you. So, what are you waiting for? Go to the website and complete the registration process now! Can’t wait to see you! 

 5. Rebuilding Connection With Prior Lead or Clients

Rebuilding Connection With Prior Lead

It is always a good idea to check in with the prior leads or clients as it is one of the best places to find new clients. Encouraging them to join the team again would be fairly easy as they know your services and you already have their contact details. Here is the template that you can use: 

Example #1: Email- to prior client  

Subject line: (name of the client), how you doin’ without us? 

Email body: 

Newton’s third law states that a body in motion stays in motion until it is stopped by an external force. Why did you act like that external force and stop your fitness regime? We miss having you with us, guiding you through those fun sessions, and whatnot! 

It’s time you get back on it and get back with us as it’s been a long time since we saw you acting upon your fitness goals. Your trainer misses you and he’s not been the same ever since you left us!  It is always easy to fall out of a routine but we are here to help you get back on one! If there is something you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact us. 

We are always happy to help and guide you! 

Hoping to see you back with us soon. 



Example #2: Text message- to prior client  

Hey there, (name of the client). It’s been a long time since we heard from you, and we miss you a lot. The gym is just not the same without you. We know that following a particular routine every day is not as easy as it seems. That’s why we are always here to get you back on the grind and guide you through everything again. Let’s get on a quick call tomorrow?  

Example #3: Email- to prior lead 

Subject line: Hi, have you seen (name of the lead)? 

Email Body: 

Hey, we are looking for (name of the lead) as it is been a very long time since our last interaction and we have not seen or heard from her since. We really want to help her in achieving her fitness goals and guide her through the journey towards becoming fit.  

Jokes apart, we really looked forward to seeing you with us but it is okay- we are always here to welcome you, no matter how long you make us wait. Just don’t make your fitness goals and health wait. Sign-up today and become a part of our family. 

If there are any doubts or questions, please feel free to contact us and visit us. We got you! 

Hoping to hear from you soon. 



Example #4: Text message- to prior lead 

Hi, (name of the lead), we are still waiting for you here at (name of the company/gym). We planned everything for you and seeing you lose interest in us really breaks our heart. We understand that life sometimes gets in the way of our fitness goals but it is never a right or wrong time to start a new journey. Feel free to reach out in case you have any queries. We look forward to seeing you soon! Let’s do it! 

How To Get Coaching Clients Through Emails?

1. The Transformation Story

What is it? 

Well, we all know what a transformation is- thanks to all those tiktok and instagram trends. But to talk about a transformation story, it is a lot different. A transformation story talks about the procedure one had to follow. In an email, you show potential buyers the transformation of a person before and after buying your services.It can be any story- personal, client’s, or someone else’s, as long as the procedure that they follow is the same as your company/gym’s. 

You need to talk about how the life of the person that is being talked about has changed. How was it before buying your services, and how it is now. 

Why it works?

 It is a very effective method because people tend to believe those stories more than words. It is also important to know what elements are to be included in those as most brands fail at telling that story effectively, so it falls flat and does not give them the result they are wanting. 

How it works?

There are always some great elements to writing a good story- especially when it is the which is to be used in order to attract potential clients. We are listing some important elements you have to keep in mind: 

  • Explain the main point of your service remedies in detail. 
  • Try and identify a common objection you story and the potential buyer might have. 
  • Briefly describe the unique process that you are offering. 
  • List down the benefits you and your client is experiencing by using your services in detail. 

You have to keep in mind that you need to send the emails with the transformation story only to the ones with the elements listed above as not every testimonial can attract potential buyers. You have to be smart while sending these emails.

2. The Line In The Sand

What it is?

You must have heard some people use the phrase, ‘Drawing line in the sand’. It is a figure of speech which is used to depict the figurative boundary, beyond which no compromises or adjustments are allowed. It is a controversial statement related to your services. It will get you both negative and positive feedback. At the end of the day, the positives are worth attracting and repelling the negatives does matter. 

Why it works? 

Now, many of you might think that this is not a good idea as we have always heard the more the merrier. Well. Here’s the catch. Drawing a line in the sand means excluding the wrong people. It is always important and beneficial if you know your target audience being a coach. Having the right people on board with you will create an environment that is positive. Positivity builds trust among the people and trust attracts sales.  

How to write it?

It is a very tricky thing to do, but if you are clear about your identity as a brand, it won’t be very hard for you. Also, make sure that you are relevant because writing it just for the sake of being controversial will make you and your brand look bad.  

These are some signs that indicate that what you wrote is good: 

  • You are nervous while sending it because you feel people might misunderstand you. 
  • Getting both positive and negative feedback 
  • Some people can resonate with the things you wrote 
  • Competitors are always trying to oppose you 

3. The Why Now

What it is? 

Telling your audience either directly or indirectly that it is best if they take action today is called ‘The Why Now’ factor. 

Why it works? 

Let’s understand it like this- it is your favorite time of the year where all the popular websites are having sales, with brand new offers everyday. They send you an email saying ‘70% OFF, END TONIGHT’, now you will definitely check and buy some things so that you don’t miss the chance, right? Such is the why now factor. You need to tell the leads why they need to act upon your proposal now. 

It is the human tendency to feel moved whenever they are buying or signing-up for something new as it brings change- be it positive or negative. Change is hard for everyone.  

But providing your prospects with a solid reason about why they need to act on it right now will change the game for you. 

How to write it?

Developing the skill in which you can write about the scarcity of something will serve the purpose. Scarcity of anything scares people and encourages them to act in the moment. 

Now, many companies use financial incentives like the one we talked above very often. It is important to note that it works, but in the long run it is not a great idea. If a company keeps rolling out new offers every day, the people would not take it seriously. People would believe that there will always be some other offer there to back them up if they miss the current one. So, this method is useful but not reliable. 

You need to be very smart and skillful in these competitive times (if you know, you know) and develop the skill to woo the buyers to act right now. 

Final Takeaways

Now that you have all these email templates with you right now, it is time for you to decide which of them you are going to use this week and tweak them according to your needs. Remember, personalizing the emails according to you and your brand identity is very important. There are chances that your emails won’t work for a while or if they do, it would take time for you to be consistent in the same. 

To create a solid brand identity, you should never do ‘what others are doing’. You should always believe in your own approach and create an identity that defines your brand perfectly. If something works for another company, it is not certain that it would bring you customers too.  

The Secret is ‘IDENTITY’ 

The Secret is 'IDENTITY' 

As we have discussed, the key to successful email coaching is believing in your brand identity. You need to use all those templates wisely, tweaking them according to you and your customer’s needs. Your connection language will be different from other brands and it will help you to create an impact among the potential buyers. 

Remember This

We know it is hard to discover your brand language and you might send some emails which won’t get you any results for some time. But there will also be the ones that give you the fruit you always wanted. It is always about them. Note down all the words and phrases and templates that you think your leads like. Make your own personalized and branded glossary. Once you have figured out your identity as a brand, we assure you that you will impact more clients than ever before.  

It’s all about the ones that work.  


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