Q1. Please introduce yourself and your business/brand/product.


As a Business Strategist, Digital Marketing Expert, and the founder of The Business with Impact Academy™, Rachel McMichael teaches online course creators and coaches to consistently bring in more high-quality leads and more predictable sales so they can scale their online business without sacrificing their families, free time, or sanity.


Rachel believes that being tethered to your cell phone is a thing of the past, and she shows her clients how to focus on the exact strategies, tactics, and systems that create 80% of the results (in 20% of the time).


Rachel’s journey of hustling to near-burnout and almost losing it all drives her passion for helping others create a business they love while experiencing the freedom they desire, and it fuels the topics of discussion on her podcast, Business with Impact.

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When she’s not helping her clients automate and grow their online businesses, Rachel’s spending time with her two adorable children, sipping on an iced almond milk latte, or binging on the latest and greatest Hallmark movies!


Q2. Who is the ideal customer for your product?


Online business owners who want to attract more quality leads, establish more predictable sales and create an impact in less time by plugging into proven processes, templates, and training.


Q3. What are your primary sales channels? Please separately highlight the ones that have proven to be most successful and most cost-effective.


100% of our sales are made through our website, but traffic is driven to the page by a combination of live launching, automated evergreen funnels, paid advertising and SEO, and organic sources like Instagram and Facebook.


Although each channel attracts a qualified customer, paid to advertise and live launching continue to be the most successful and profitable strategy for attracting and converting leads.


Q4. Have you tried using cold outreach to get more clients for your business? If yes, what’s been your success rate?


No, we haven’t needed to.


Q5. What was your biggest challenge in sales and how did you overcome it?


Our first challenge with sales was the mindset around selling and boldly sharing our products, programs, and services. Once we mastered that challenge, our next biggest challenge in sales was getting data we needed to automate our sales process and make predictable sales. And with the right mindset and the right data, we’ve been able to consistently and predictably scale our offers.


Q6. Over time, some users may stop using your product or they may cancel their subscription. Have you implemented any strategies to win back such customers?


Yes, we have an entire customer recovery email sequence that has helped us recover approximately 95% of failed payments.


During this sequence, we reach out personally to the customer and offer a variety of options for them to continue their membership through flexible payment plans, readjusting their offers to a smaller level of commitment, and more.


Q7. Imagine you are speaking to a younger version of yourself who is just starting out. They have $1,000 to spend on sales and marketing. How would you advise them to spend it?


Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”


I would advise myself to invest in sharpening my axe before attempting to chop down the tree.


This means investing up to 10% (or $100) on the tech and tools that have made the biggest difference in my business (Canva, LeadPages, Active Campaign).


Next, I would invest up to 20% ($200 )on plugging into a proven system of training and coaching (I’m partial to my own courses).


Finally, I would invest the remaining 70% ($700) on paid advertising (on the platform most relevant to the ideal client – generally Facebook + Instagram)


If you have any further questions or need clarification, please feel free to contact me anytime.



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