Introduction – Amazon Keyword Research

We are familiar with keyword rankings and optimization of search engines like Google and Binge. However, only a few know that Amazon has its own rules for displaying products and related keywords. Oh yes, it is more complicated to sell on Amazon. Millions of customers shop every second on Amazon, and not just that. There are millions of sellers too. If you are planning to launch a brand-new product, the odds of being able to sell are zero. That is for sure unless you do some digging into how to use relevant keywords to rank on amazon search results.

The first step in any Amazon product campaign is keyword research. Without this crucial step, Amazon can often seem like a black hole, with your products never showing up. If you need to learn how to do keyword research for Amazon, this article is the ultimate guide to amazon keyword research. Like we do with search engines, Amazon uses a simpler algorithm to rank and display products in its search results. Here you must learn how to manipulate Amazon’s A9 listing algorithm and get the right keywords to hit the right place. Anyways, let me walk you through everything!

Why do we need Keyword Research?

You can answer this question yourself. Think of why you perform SEO or care so much about your rank in the SERPs. I hope you got your answer. Many important reasons exist to serve keyword research before launching your product.

Firstly, put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Suppose you are looking for a pair of shoes, and Amazon recommends or shows you a couple of pants. Pretty nasty. But that never happens because Amazon has an algorithm that uses keywords to determine which products are relevant to your search. So, what does this tell you? It reveals that with proper keywords, you will be able to appear before the right kind of audience who are likely to buy your product. Amazon SEO isn’t simple to master, but improving it will attract shoppers to your product pages, thus, more traffic. This is because those shoppers are coming from Amazon’s search engine. You know they’re ready to buy.

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Keyword research is so essential that it can get you ahead of competitors. The more relevant your keyword is, the higher your product appears on Amazon search results.

Keyword research can be helpful even before launching a product. What if you still need to list products or are trying to understand what you should sell? Keyword research can help you overcome that dilemma. With the knowledge of popular keywords, you know which products are in high demand, and you can decide accordingly. This way, you can pick out the most profitable items that you would like to sell.

How to do Keyword Research for Amazon?

Now that we know why keyword research is Amazon let’s look at some amazon keyword research strategies by which you can dig into popular keywords for listing your products on Amazon.

  • Speculation and Random Research

Sorry but that’s the best way I can define it. By ‘speculation,’ you have to think deeply and figure out how your potential customers will search for your products. Specifically, it would be best to consider the keywords or phrases they are most likely to enter while searching for your product.

Another thing that helps is doing a random search by yourself. Search for a product on Amazon and see which recommendations pop up. That way, you know what keywords you need to use. The same can be done using Google. Many customers search for products on Google, so you can take advantage of the opportunities it has for you.

A rather time-saving alternative for good keyword research would be to use an amazon keyword research tool or google keyword planner. However, it might not be cost-effective, so I recommend sticking to brainstorming and research.

  • Analyze your Competitor’s Keyword

Like SEO, analyzing your competitors’ keywords always comes in handy. Especially for those who feel trapped in unending confusion, keeping track of keywords working out for their competitors is a great idea.

It could be done in just a few steps. First, you have to list competitors that are performing well. And then, you have to focus on those keywords that are more likely to boost your sales. Finally, you have to create a list and start implementing them. At this step, a keyword generator can give you access to all the metrics concerning a keyword and help you create listings. Once you have the list of target keywords, analyze them. Consider the search volume and competition for each keyword. The higher the search volume, the more potential customers you’ll reach.

  • Study your Amazon Product

The above methods are helpful if you are offering something similar to what is being sold by your competitors. However, you will need a different set of keywords for products that are unique or have some outstanding features. In this case, you can’t follow the keywords used by your competitors as your product is supposed to have some fantastic features and hence unique keywords. So, it is best to study your effect thoroughly before making a list of keywords. Another way to generate more keywords is to type your initial seed keywords into Amazon’s search box.

  • Create an Optimized Title and Product description for Amazon Listing.

Once you’ve identified the right keywords, you must create an optimized title and product description for organic search results. Make sure to include your specific keywords in the title and product description. It will help your product stand out in search rankings and increase visibility.

  • Don’t forget Backend Keywords

Backend keywords are hidden keywords that are not visible to the customers; however, they play an integral role in affecting your rank. We can’t target every keyword, right? We can only choose the most important/relevant ones. However, only some customers use those popular keywords to search. For example, your target keyword is ‘gym clothes,’ but the customer is exploring using the words ‘workout outfits’ or ‘workout pants.’ So what? Will your products appear before them? Well, if they are your backend keywords, then they surely will.

Backend keywords can prevent overstuffing your product descriptions and, at the same time, make it easy for customers to discover your products. Some sellers even use misspelled words and informal terms as hidden keywords. Well, you never know which kind of customer is searching, so it’s preferable to take advantage of backend keywords. Adding backend keywords in Amazon Seller Central will incredibly impact your search performance on Amazon despite needing to be seen by shoppers.


Anyways that’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed this blog post about how to start your amazon keyword research for Amazon. Finding profitable keywords can be difficult, and believe us, and it’s not something you want to try to figure out on your own. With the methods outlined above, I hope that you will be able to find specific keywords that are profitable and easy to discover.

Before you leave, please share your thoughts with us in the comment section. All the best!


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