No matter which field you work in or which field of study you are currently academically pursuing, the tedious and often humdrum formal procedure of writing emails has more than likely not missed you. Usually, emails are written with more formal intentions, whether it is to ask a query to your teacher, seek endorsements or partnerships or enter into a commitment. Many emails are advertisements, which often get filtered into spam or reflexively miss our attention due to their flashy titles or redundant words in their subject. In light of the massive amount of emails received by people, our emails need to contend for two things first- the reader’s attention (enough for the reader to actually spend time reading beyond the subject) and to make it convincing enough that the reader (who has spent a few minutes on your email, do not feel frustrated because their time was wasted, but in fact, like the idea, if not revert and get in touch). These two aims, although very basic, are very important, without which our email would fail to deliver, and its purpose would remain unsolved. However, getting the reader’s attention and time, and eventually, their interests piqued, is an increasingly challenging task, especially when it comes to cold emails. But before that, what are “cold emails”?

A cold email is the first email sent to a recipient in an attempt to acquire their favour, business, opportunity, or any other dual-sided advantage. In other words, any email sent to a potential client who is not already acquainted with you is referred to as a “cold email.” Hence, if you are emailing an influencer for a potential endorsement deal or sending an email to a researcher to consider you as a candidate for their research internship, these would all be examples of cold emails. If you open your email inbox, you are likely to find at least a couple of emails requesting you to either check out a product, join their webinar, or something along those lines. Needless to say, they are all cold emails too. Simply said, cold emailing is when you send an email to a stranger for a specific reason. 

A lot of the awful marketing emails that people get have given cold emailing a bad reputation. Because of this, many people are hesitant to try it. However, if used properly (and doesn’t amount to begging), it may be a very effective tool in the hands of any entrepreneur. Contrary to popular belief, cold emailing is vastly different from spam (if well written and employed). In cold emails, you start by speaking to your target audience, who might be interested in the information supplied. Cold email, as opposed to mass emailing, is more focused, individualised, sent from a business account, and doesn’t contain any misleading or illegal content. Cold emailing is believed to be an extremely important tool by businesses. Salespeople from the advertising, SaaS, and even the IT industries believe in the effectiveness of cold emailing. Cold emailing is a common form of communication for businesses like Uber, ProductHunt, Godaddy, and others. Cold emailing serves several purposes and is extremely important for the following reasons:


A competent salesperson is aware of the value of networking in the modern world. Even while it might not always be possible to meet and interact physically, you shouldn’t let that stop you from communicating with professionals. Cold email can be used as a strategy for outreach. You can introduce yourself briefly and describe your business, just like you would if you were meeting someone face-to-face. Moreover, if the recipient appreciates your sincere efforts, they might get in touch with you and contribute to the growth of your network.

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Cold emailing is a procedure for lead creation, as the term implies. You begin by developing a relationship with them and work your way gradually toward turning them into desirable clients. Cold emailing‘s greatest benefit is that it is extremely targeted. That implies that you are only concentrating on a market that is drawn to your goods or services. You can get in touch with potential customers and inform them about your product or service.


Due to the nature of the email, cold emails assist in increasing brand awareness. Typically, they are aimed at potential customers who have never engaged with your company before. But could benefit from using your goods or services. You can promote your goods to them and raise brand recognition by cold emailing them.


Scalable cold emails exist. You can send emails to several prospects and track their effectiveness. You can carefully plan your future email based on the result. You may quickly reach thousands of potential customers with a cold email campaign.

In today’s postmodern era, the digital advent has been nothing short of revolutionary. It has brought in multiple methods of contact and networking. This revolution has brought up a very compelling question, i.e., how relevant and important are cold emails in today’s time?’. It is completely normal if businesses have felt like moving to more recent tools of communication, but the experts still stick to cold emails. The blog post “This Is Why Cold Emails Are the Best Business Practice for Entrepreneurs” was written by WordStream’s founder, Larry Kim. The title speaks for itself. Some of the points in favour of cold emails, even in 2022, are:

  • Growing Trajectory of usage of emails:

No matter the new technology, sending email has always been the modus operandi. According to predictions, email volume will increase over the next few years and might reach 376 billion emails exchanged per day by 2025. Thus, there is a visible growth in the usage of emails and considering it outdated would be fallacious.

  • Obsession of Millenials and B2B businesses with Emails:

Emails are a Millennial’s obsession. For professional reasons, they would rather get an email than a call since emails help to get rid of long waits for the line to get connected, awkward pauses and many such situations. According to reports, 59 percent of millennials check their emails on their smartphones. This implies that if your email piques their curiosity, there is a good probability they will notice it and open it.

  • Higher Productivity:

Cold email is a crucial component of your approach. Given that cold emails can be monitored and measured, they increase productivity. With the aid of a cold emailing tool, you may assess the effectiveness of the emails and adjust the follow-up (step) in accordance with the actions taken by your prospects.

With the established importance and high relevance of cold emails in today’s time, it would be erroneous if the most important point is forgotten. The way in which you write a cold email determines its efficacy and overall efficiency. It is very important for your cold email to be precise and qualitative. An unimpressive cold email largely equates to an unimpressive product in the eyes of the receiver. Thus, cold emails should be written very skilfully.

To help you write an efficient cold email, we have added a template, which you can access for free!

Cold emailing can be very effective. Thus entrepreneurs should think of it as a solid business strategy. By letting go of your fear of rejection, you may add it to your toolkit and offer yourself the opportunity to personally witness the effectiveness of cold emailing. You could just be surprised!


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