Marketing is undoubtedly an activator for sales and a huge tool to leverage more clients and generate leads. Still, with all the automation in today’s business dimension, Bot Marketing is the most productive way to boost your business work and gather more customer-driven tasks. Here is a comprehensive guide on Bot Marketing and everything you need to know about the new segment.


What exactly is Bot Marketing?

Marketing bots are automated tools used on different platforms to increase the website’s efficiency. Its AI-powered engine allows easy customer strategy, managing customer base, frequent issues, and e-commerce supply chain. AI tools and Bot Marketing in the e-commerce sector are a great booster for productivity, helping you get more done in less time. A bot does a certain set of functions without any interference or guide.

Bots are cheap to set up and run, and their benefits run in numbers. They are very easy to program on the technical front because you do not need to know to code to set up an automated bot.

Now that we know what Bot Marketing is exactly, here are five ways to integrate them into your marketing strategy.

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1. Assistance

Bots can prove to assist first-time visitors to your website greatly. You can set up and emulate chatbots on websites so they can assist your leads with real-time help like navigation within the website, answering frequently asked questions, providing them with information on the services that you provide, and also customer and sales support.

Research shows that several customers prefer chatting to a call. Use this to your advantage. It is seen how people may want straight-cut right answers to their queries instead of being redirected to an email or a phone number they should contact. This may also be seen as time-consuming.

Personalizing your bot goes a long way.  Add an avatar and a voice to your bot to make it seem real and personalized. Customized chatbots usually bring positive responses from customers who have visited your website.


2. Research bots

These bots take up all the researching responsibilities that you might have. Many bots do this, for example, GrowthBot. GrowthBot is a tool that researches real-time data and demographics for you. This is highly suitable for high functioning segments of your product that you want to keep track of. You want to keep track of your performance as a business, especially numbers.

Bots may not be helpful for spaced-out research like looking up a subject over a Google search or a simple sweep to gather a few details. If you are committed as a business to constantly tracking your performance and data analytics, bots can be extremely helpful and instrumental in doing so.


3. Ranking

Quality analysis and assurance of leads and customer base is a huge part of marketing as you are investing large amounts of resources into appealing to the right audience. In this sort of scenario, it is important to qualify and segment your leads into the ones worth investing in.

Quality Bots help create a funnel system for this. When you create this funnel, the qualified leads to be worthy of your time and attention are funneled out.

The best way to funnel out the most accurate and helpful leads is to direct them to the bot that will filter them out to the right sort of product or service for them. Once the funneling is done, you can direct your closers to the prospects who can close them as clients.


4. Delegation

Organizing a team is also a crucial part of marketing. Team performance is essential. It is essential to maintain a rapport, especially if remote, within teams and groups. Bots can also help delegate and improve communication amongst teams. You can track your work as well as your team’s progress. Tracking of this sort helps you maintain harmony in the way things are carried out. This automation can be done easily using a bot.


5. Personalisation

As a lead nurturing device, make sure you personalize your chatbot. Though AI-powered chatbots have natural language processing abilities and tend to quickly become a tool that quickly brings in leads and prospects, customizing them to your business will give customers a personal experience.


How to create a Bot to market your business?

You don’t need to have great coding or engineering skills to build a bot. Several tools allow you to build your chatbot. For example:

  1. OnSequel
  2. ChatFuel
  3. Botsify

These website platforms allow you to build your bots.


Creating a successful bot for marketing

Here are five tips to ensure an efficient way to integrate bots into your marketing strategy.

1. Be wary of your content.

Ask your customer team the most frequented questions about your business or service, and put yourselves in the shoes of your customer. Talk to your social media team to understand the kind of queries that are being asked about your business or service. Test your engagement and note the kind of questions you’re getting through your messages and comment sections.

2. Create a question and answer blueprint

It is important to have a concrete set of questions that your chatbot can answer. Make a blueprint of the actual questions that have been repeatedly brought up to your platform. Start from a welcome hello until specified deliverable answers to the queries.

3. Automated reply inclusion

A common feature of chatbots is the existence of auto-mandated reply pop-ups within the chatbot. This feature also ensures that any bullying or harassment is avoided. Another common advantage of this feature is that customers and leads give actual questions meaning the answers are also mapped out definitively.

4. The next step

Once the AI bot has answered queries and helped the customers, the next step if they want to know more is to get them in touch with in-app human support. While research suggests that most people prefer chatting with bots instead of human support. Thus a lot of them prefer interactions or email support. Your bot can back up this human experience. You can include social customer support as a feature on your bot.

5. Track your bot

For any service, an important element is tracking its performance. It is very valuable to check how much customer volume is migrating towards your website and using your chatbot. If most of their queries are getting answered and any new queries are being asked. Measuring the return on the interest of your bot and including a call to action, for example, a link or code, is helpful. It leads customers that prove to bring engageable traffic.


All elements of chatbot marketing have thus been covered in this article. Keeping these elements in mind and integrating these tips will boost your marketing strategy and be a great perk!

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