The word ‘Amazon’ has itself become synonymous with shopping as there are millions of customers placing orders every hour of the day. This means it is undoubtedly crucial for you to start focusing on the quality of experience your product page offers, especially your product descriptions. 


Even if you are selling the best product in the world, your product listing will always be the determining factor of your sales; thus, having a sloppy looking product listing is going to be detrimental to your profitability. 


As a seller, it should be your aim to provide the best possible customer service, and that is possible if you have an amazing product detail page to dazzle your customers. Regardless of whether you are a growing brand or a well-established business, making an effort to improve your Amazon listings is necessary to provide superior customer service. 


Are you worried about whether your product description is the reason behind low sales? Then I have got answers to all your worries. Today, I will teach you how to use AI to generate a product description for your Amazon listings.

💡 Generate personalized emails, blog articles, product descriptions, and ads in seconds using the power of A.I


It is Writecream that has a host of AI-Powered tools to lend a helping hand in every step from product descriptions to bullet points. Let’s learn more about it!


If you are looking for a tool to create bullet points for your Amazon listings, then you can use the Compelling Bullet Points Tool to create brief and captivating bullet points. 


To use it, first sign up for a free account on Writecream. Once you are signed up, you will straight away land on the main dashboard. 

On the main dashboard, you will see several AI-Powered tools that can be used for different use cases. Scroll down and click on ‘Compelling Bullet Points’. 

After that, you will have to enter your product or brand name and give a brief description that includes the key features of your product.


After filling in all the details, click on ‘Generate’. In a few seconds, the tool generates several bullet points that can be used in different places, including Amazon listings.  


For example, I am selling Daikin’s air conditioner on Amazon, so I used the tool to generate some bullet points for my product’s Amazon listing. I entered my product as Air Conditioners, and here are the results that were generated by the tool:



  • It is cheap, provides a comfort zone and is safe.
  • It is safe to operate and has a built-in thermostat to regulate the temperatures automatically.
  • It consumes less electricity and has a swing mode to provide equal conditioning in all areas of a room.


That was about bullet points. Now, what about product descriptions? Well, Writecream has got that covered too!


For that, go back to the main dashboard, scroll up and click on the ‘E-commerce Product Descriptions’. After clicking on it, you will land on a page where you will have to enter your product name and details once again. 

Once you have filled in all the details, click on ‘Generate’. Like the last one, this tool will generate a product description in a few seconds. 


I used this tool for the same products as above. Here’s what I got:


Enjoy a cool room all throughout summer with Daikin’s ACs, which have a built-in thermostat to control the temperatures automatically. The swing mode helps balance the temperature of a room, providing equal conditioning to all areas. They are also affordable and consume less electricity.


Not only this, if you are struggling with writing a title for your Amazon listing, then Writecream has a tool for that too! All you need to do is go back on the main dashboard and click on ‘Website Headlines/Copy’. 

After clicking on it, you will have to enter your product name and description as you did before. If you are generating a title for the same product you earlier generated a description for, then you won’t have to fill in the details again. Once done, click on ‘Generate’. The tool generates a Title for your product which is quite compelling and eye-catching.


Here are a few titles I generated using the same tool:


  •  Air Conditioners You Can Trust
  • Comfort Your Home With Daikin Air Conditioners
  • Daikin Air Conditioners that save you money and help the world


Writecream is indeed a piece of cake. It can help with all the textual verbiage needed to sell products on Amazon, so I highly recommend you to use it for your next product. Do give it a try! 

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